Do average/small guys send dick pics, or only large guys?


Cherished Member
May 22, 2004
Sydney (New South Wales, Australia)
No Response
The industry I work in is reasonably small, and so news has filtered through about a new colleague from his previous colleagues. Apparently, he ran into trouble at a previous employer for sending unsocilicted dick pics.
Yeah, I know it's a bad thing, sexual harassment etc.
But I also thought... "hey, he must have a big dick".
Why did I think that? Do small to average guys also send dick pics, or is it more likely the bigger you are the more likely you are to send a dick pic?
I've only ever exchanged dick pics on three occasions in my life, and on all those occasions it was with guys with big dicks. Bigger than mine.
So small and average guys, do you share dick pics, or are you reluctant to do so? Reax?
And for bigger guys - what was the reaction?
I think guys of all sizes send dick pics. Many seek validation about there size or look one way or another.

Some want to show off, some are just wonering if theirs is "okay", some actually seek humiliation.

I don't send anyone unsolicited pics, but I send mine to those who want to see ito find out f it is liked or not. Is it desirable? Does it turn you on in any way? Is its size to your liking? Is it too skinny?
Pretty much everybody likes to send nudes just some more than others
Yup, and the bigger sized guys will get more praise and are far FAR more likely to get shared and spread. Making it look like EVERYONE has big dicks or that smaller or average dick guys don't share pics.
A woman at work was openly flirting with me despite knowing that I am married and she was pestering me for a dick pic. To make it clear to my wife that it wasn’t me doing the chasing I told her about my work colleague.
She borrowed my phone went through my album and sent the woman this pic for some reason!