Do men show affection to each other in your country/culture?


Legendary Member
Dec 28, 2014
New York
90% Gay, 10% Straight
My question comes as I am currently living in the U.S. and, based on experience, men who are friends (buddies, colleagues, etc.) rarely show affection to each other, especially physical touch. I am comparing it with other cultures where men do hugs a lot, kiss on the cheek, hold hands, non-sexual cuddling, etc. Usually, the only time I've seen it is between relatives (brothers, father-son, etc.) Also, from experience, I know queer men who are open are different, as they indeed show affection to each other. However, some straight guys I know have told me that men show affection to each other but not so much physically besides a handshake, fist bump, bro-hugs, or aggressive ways like punching.

How do men show affection to each other in your country or culture?
I live in the US and I do experience touching with buds and observe them do the same, particularly around greeting: an extra hug and squeeze, a walk-by quick massage, touch/hold on the back, that kind of thing. Usually short lasting, several seconds but less than a minute, and often once or twice during the social event.

Opposed to Malaysia where I lived for a bit, it would not be surprising for local guy friends to hold hands, and even saw a guy sit on his buddy's lap once or twice.

While working in India, I observed (and was the surprised recipient of) a couple of hugs from guys. Those were not the norm, but usually after some kind of unexpected bonding (agreement on a difficult issue, or clicking through a deep and good conversation).
I live in the US and am Hispanic. I’m normally told by my American friends that I get on their personal space. There’s no real concept of that in South America.
I do receive hugs from any type of friends. Mostly when saying goodbye only.
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Based upon personal experience of being born and living all my life in the U.S. and from what I've gathered second-hand about other cultures, you are correct about men (at least straight men) being less likely to display what could be considered affectionate behavior towards each other here.

Why this is so in a general sense I couldn't tell you for sure, other than I likely think it's part not wanting to be seen doing anything homoerotic or "feminine" and part the cultural history of this country that portray men as rugged and independent, which means not showing emotional vulnerability.

For myself, I've just never been a touchy-feely and huggy type of person and am very choosy with my affection, even towards females. My wife is one of the few I can let my guard down with and almost all affectionate embraces with other males have been limited to family members and a rare few friends that were either in dire emotional straits and needed a hug or having gone through a significant event together such as when I was in the military.

Maybe part of this being averse to touch is just me being me and the result of not being around or growing up with mega-affection and part of a holdover from some of the jobs and situations I've been in where not letting anyone get physically close or in your space was a matter of survival.

But either way, the fact anyone, regardless of gender, may not want to be more openly affectionate or have more physical contact with me is an advantage, not a lament.
I crave physical (NOT sexual) connection with men as brothers. It's a bolstering effect for me. It's almost a platonic fantasy to be friends with guys who don't see it as a problem to place their arm on my shoulders. I would kinda melt.

Maybe i just crave brotherhood. I'm quite the loner though.
I crave physical (NOT sexual) connection with men as brothers. It's a bolstering effect for me. It's almost a platonic fantasy to be friends with guys who don't see it as a problem to place their arm on my shoulders. I would kinda melt.

Maybe i just crave brotherhood. I'm quite the loner though.
I like that description, I'd also say I crave that kind of bro relationship.
Oh I love this topic!
Here in Italy affection between men is shown mostly with hugs while greeting, fistbump, some little punches and so on, very quick messages. I believe however that youngers are more willing to show affection, maybe in the same way, but more often, I saw some examples of that.
Also, I believe it depends on how strong the bond is. My best friend (straight) and I hug while greeting, but our hugs last for long (more than a minute) and there some gentle touch (ok, I'm more touchy than he is).

As @nhguy78 and @Clrwtrdlbud71-fl, I crave that kind of bro bonding. I don't say I'm there with anyone, but I got some improvements and score on this.
I crave physical (NOT sexual) connection with men as brothers. It's a bolstering effect for me. It's almost a platonic fantasy to be friends with guys who don't see it as a problem to place their arm on my shoulders. I would kinda melt.

Maybe i just crave brotherhood. I'm quite the loner though.
I'd be interested in your opinion on the story I have in the Erotic Stories Forum here. You can just do a search for "Native American's" and it'll take you to the story page, but you'd have to click back to the first page of the story once you're there. It's about a wrestler in college but it is mostly about bro relationships: open honesty among guys. There is a sexual component, but it's not erotic really and it's certainly not pron. Give it a look if you like.
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I am pretty much a loner, I am best represented by the expression : an army of one "
But among my limited group of friends the following passes for affection :

An invitation to BBQ, anywhere any time . Smoke between guys is affectionate
Lending me a hand when I need to more a refrigerator or a couch up a few flights of stairs.
Lending me a tool to fix something
Complimenting my new car; or how well I maintain my car
Complimenting on how Hott, my GF / Wife looks
Bustling my chops, when a big fish jumps off the hook
Busting my chops, when I fall while skiing; and loose both skis; and poles as I cartwheel down the slope
Picking me up when my car dies; or coming to give me a boost when my battery quits

>>>>>>>>>> and so on :cool:
I crave physical (NOT sexual) connection with men as brothers. It's a bolstering effect for me. It's almost a platonic fantasy to be friends with guys who don't see it as a problem to place their arm on my shoulders. I would kinda melt.

Maybe i just crave brotherhood. I'm quite the loner though.
FUCK! That’s like how i feeel. But i guess the only difference is I’m into guys too tho
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There is a feeling that guys who embrace and touch must be "gay" - but this is because of the times in which we live when the idea of any contact with another man is regarded as sexual. On the Continent, much older traditions and the handshake is the one thing that's common and can take on even further expressions of friendship my hands and elbows, pulling in for a shoulder tap and so on, but its the flesh on flesh that's the best bond.
Something that scares me is that as a gay man, straight men are less willing to physically show affection to be. Hugs are just a normal behaviour between friends I suppose so that's easy to get (simple, short hugs), but I talk about the teasing, spank or other things some straight men do between them. I'm worried that that sort of bonding is precluded to me (us)

FUCK! That’s like how i feeel. But i guess the only difference is I’m into guys too tho
I invite you to read my story about this. Search "Native American's First Exposure to College Wrestling" in the erotic stories forum here. My story is about bro-style relationships, and tho there's nudity and some erotic-ish content, it's not really "erotic" as much as it's "Bromantic," which a lot of guys here are interested in.
Funny how the physical display of affection seems to manifest itself for the Instagram Moment, but not so much before and after the Instagram Moment...
I live in the UK and have always been very tactile from a young age, I’m lucky that all my friends and family hug and kiss all the time.
I have had male housemates who I could cuddle or lay with whilst watching movies or playing Xbox and never had any problems displaying any kind of affection.
For me it’s completely normal, the only time I may be hesitant is when travelling and aren’t sure of the local etiquette.
Definitely not. In Poland showing affection towards other man is simply "gay". Unless you know them for like 15 years and are bffs, but that's not what happens often. Generally speaking, being nice is considered feminine and thus, gay.
No way I think it's good, but there's positive aspect of that - if you ever meet a really nice guy, you can predict with somehow high percentage he's homosexual or at least curious. Also, LBGTQ+ people in Poland are much more open-minded than LGBTQ+ people from other countries. At least, that's my experience. May be distorted bc statistics :p
This is a great thread with some equally great responses. I agree with the notion given by many, that often times culture dictates how men interact with and show non-sexual affection to one another.

I think we are, right now, in one of those generational cycles of change throughout the world. Many things once thought taboo or not even permissible to be discussed in public have been thrust into societal discourse.

Men openly showing other men affection is one of those things that was once a lot more taboo than it is nowadays and I’m sure glad for it. One of the most beautiful trends I have seen in the last few years is dads who kiss their sons. Usually on the forehead but some on the cheeks, lol. I never saw this once IRL while growing up.

Still, a lot of it does have to do with what age and era you grew up in. I grew up in the 80s and 90s in America and I was groomed to believe that, if you were a man I wanted to show affection to, you were getting the hand-shake and half hug where we kinda touch shoulders. I might bring my other arm around to make it an almost full hug if I truly liked you lol.

But that was all built on the faux machismo that pervaded mines and many other young male minds who grew up in the 90s.”better not get too close, that’d be gay….” It was a very close-minded way of thinking and sadly some still think that way.

One of those great generational changes I alluded to above is that I believe we are beginning to understand that men/males/boys need space to be emotionally vulnerable or insecure and not have it held against their manhood.

Last year, I saw my coworker whom I hadn’t seen in nearly 14 months when CoVid started. We still worked for the same company and talked via zoom several days a week for work so it’s not like we hadn’t interacted. Just hadn’t physically been in the same place. So we just decided to meet in a mall parking lot that was midways between our houses and talk in-person just because it had been so long.

When I got out of my car and walked around, we were both really grinning like two goofy 15 year old buds that hadn’t seen each other over summer break. I started to give him that kinda half hug that I mentioned above and he muttered under his breath “man, come here”and proceeded to give me the warmest, tightest hug for about 3-4 seconds.

I don’t hug many men fully that way and I felt a little awkward but I didn’t realize how much I truly needed it. We sat out there on the hood of our cars for what must have been almost two hours. Laughing, commiserating about our marriages, kids, the company and all manner of things. There were several points where I put my hand on his shoulder or he gave me the light punch in the arm when we’d get into something really funny and such…. It was a good time. The only thing missing was a few beers to clank to solidify the good time being had. It’s in that same vein of affection that @ronin001 articulated in his post above. When we got ready to leave we hugged again, a bit less tight but another full hug. It felt really good just to feel the warmth and strength of another man and I did not feel any attraction or sexual undertones to it.

There are a number of little subtle things that men do that demonstrate affection.