I used to be pretty oblivious to things. I felt more guilty myself of taking the occasional peak to check other guys out.
I guess there's checking a guy out and
checking a guy out. I mean, I was aware other guys were taking a peak sometime. Just as I did occasionally. Actually, I was kinda flattered; I am a card-carrying narcissist after all, although for the longest time I never knew what the word meant, let alone how to spell it. I probably woulda gone with "show off". I though every day was show time!
But one day things took a major turn. I was at the Y, which seems somehow appropriate now
(the fork in the road, "The road less travelled"). I was only vaguely aware that this Y had a "reputation". I was showering after a workout. This older, fairly nice, "movie-star-good-looking guy" (mid-, late 30s, 40-ish), came in and took the shower head next to min. I had seen him around; he always seemed a trifle unnaturally friendly, but I shrugged it off, I got a lot of that; rugged-looking guys like that weren't gay, were they?

Anyways, I finally took a surreptitious look to the side and down, and nearly shit my pants, if I were wearing any! He had an enormous hard on! And I mean enormous. It stuck straight about five inches -- an inch or so longer than my cock when hard -- then took a turn south for another four five inches, like a fucking banana! And as thick as a cucumber! I'm sure wonder and awe musta been mixed in there somewhere, but at that moment my main feeling was blind panic. After a moment of shock, I fled in terror, almost babbling, with soap still dripping down my body and hair. Somehow I made it outta there at warp speed. Probably gibbering like Costello after encountering Dracula or the Wolfman!
The next day I ran into an older friend of mine, the retired editor and publisher of a major magazine. After a moment, he mentioned that he had heard from this guy, complaining that I was a terrible tease!* I guess this was when the veils were lifted from my innocence, gay-wise, at least.
After that, I guess I developed a straight version of "gaydar"; I had vaguely realized I could get a lot of attention form men, just as I had from women. I just hadn't noticed it that much, if at all. Nor the sexual nature of it. For the most part, it was kinda flattering and kinda fun, a hidden power, until it wasn't. I learned what it must be like for women to be harassed. However, I learned how to put it off. Although, I'll admit, it wasn't normally that much of a problem; most guys were really trying to be cool, and learned when to back off gracefully. I learned to realize my 6'3", football build took care of things when they didn't.
Of course, these were the first intimations that guys could be turned on by me
in the showers and locker rooms, when I was naked. I had just naturally assumed men would be turned off by a guy with a super small dick like mine. Hell, I was in awe of other guys' huge cocks! My looks and body, yes, but my little dick? no way, José! Still trying to work that one out.
* And swearing I was sporting a "baby carrot" myself!