Do women look penis (crotch men) on the street?


Sexy Member
Sep 26, 2016
100% Straight, 0% Gay
I am Spanish, so sorry for my English.

Surely this question has already been discussed in this forum. But as my English is not very good, my search has not been satisfactory.

The question:

The other day I walked down the street, and went through a park with benches.
I noticed that one of the banks, was a woman who has long called my attention. She probably knows she likes me. She was with her boyfriend, but she wasn't watching him. She looked in front (looking ahead??).

When I passed, I noticed she was looking my crotch. I'm sure it was not my imagination. Okey, she could be watching looking at everyone, but she followed my footsteps with the look on the area of my pants and with your eyes open.
I 've been checking and the shape of my cock can be seen in my pant, so it is possible also that I was more uncontrolled to sexual level, and my cock was more noticeable.
I've been thinking about this, and it may be my imagination... but i don't know...

So my question: Do women look crotch men on the street?.

Yup. I don't stare, but I do look.
And I smile at--or compliment guys--esp guys who look like they could use it.

Women can get away with so much---I wear many hats, one of which cleans up real nice--I was at a financial center on east coast, a speaker, actually. Had on my ice princess financial wizard magic

I'm a big strong gal--5'11" --170--and buff. This little dickhead was ahead of me on escalator, he'd ogled me, almost put himself on display---which I can handle, but I'd watched him prev with 'subservient' gals--a waitress and a secretary.

This is one of my deals--I put great emphasis on how people treat people who they consider 'beneath' them.....

Anyhow, I stepped up just at top of escalator, was just gonna goose him, but evil took over, I reached clear thru his crotch, grabbed his package, and elevated him about foot.....can you say 'scream like a girl'? LOLOL----
No, I do not look at a person's crotch unless that person does something to cause me to look, in which case I am shocked and either disgusted or concerned depending on the circumstances. Kicked in the groin? I will be very concerned for your health. Expose yourself? I'm disgusted and reaching for my spray.
That must've been quite the sight to see
Well, I thought it was hilarious.....and setting him down, I said into his ear " silly little cunt" which was the part of the phrase I'd heard him use on the waitress.

I see Ellie (under different circumstances) would reach for her spray---great idea, a bit passive for me---I've got a baton that scopes out with first flick, titanium or some wonder metal----
Sometimes without meaning too...the thing is a crotch can lie there isn't always a big dick behind a big looking buldge.
I'm at the local rock climbing gym 3-4 times a week, it happens more there than anyplace else...but it's because of the harnesses.

I'm more inclined to look at a man's back & shoulders....rock climbers have the best bodies :p
I spose there is a difference between a crotch glance, crotch stare, crotch double take. My love reckons she is a crotch glancer. Lady Glancelot :) Oh yeah, and the creepy crotch stare...upload_2016-10-28_10-55-4.jpeg
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So my question: Do women look crotch men on the street?.

Not intentionally or with intent, no. If I'm sitting and someone is walking past my field of view, I'm not exactly tall, so yeah, my eyesight line may well be at crotch level. Beyond that? No. There are a plethora of things I will happily ogle before I ogle someone's crotch. Hell, I would rather check out if some lady has a spiffy pedicure on her feet before I'd be looking at men's bulges.
Well, I thought it was hilarious.....-

Yeah, that time when you elevated a silly little cunt one foot into the air by his crotch in an escalator. That time was hilarious. I hope you mentioned it in your speech.

Yo, you should have rammed that wonder metal baton into his dunghole, dude. Right in the escalator. "HOW'S THIS FOR ESCALATION, YOU SILLY LITTLE CUNT!", is what you should have yelled. And bang, right into the shitter! Would have been hilarious!
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Sometimes without meaning too...the thing is a crotch can lie there isn't always a big dick behind a big looking buldge.
I'm at the local rock climbing gym 3-4 times a week, it happens more there than anyplace else...but it's because of the harnesses.

I'm more inclined to look at a man's back & shoulders....rock climbers have the best bodies :p

I've been to the rock climbing gym before, and with that harness I look like I'm packing!
Well, I thought it was hilarious.....and setting him down, I said into his ear " silly little cunt" which was the part of the phrase I'd heard him use on the waitress.

I see Ellie (under different circumstances) would reach for her spray---great idea, a bit passive for me---I've got a baton that scopes out with first flick, titanium or some wonder metal----

I like your style
When a cute girl smiles to me on the street I just think she found me attractive too.
I really hope women don't use to smile just because of a big crotch.
Yes, sometimes they look it, but actually I couldn't care less.
The fact that I have a big penis doesn't mean I have to make it invisible.
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Thank you for your answers.

Now I'm even more confused ^_^... it may be my imagination ... Of course, I never thought that this girl had sexual desires. In fact, it probably I does not like she, and she hasn't me in mind. Furthermore, I do not comment on this event, wanting to have some kind of relationship with her, only for curiosity...

Anyway, I think you've all seen this experimental video:

It is clear that the bulk draws attention because it is false and is exaggerated, but it is an example of what I tell.

I have read in other forums that some women look, so I should ask her ^_^

It is clear that the bulk draws attention because it is false and is exaggerated

I notice bulges now and then but I don't go around "looking" at them.
Most of these video examples are of comically exaggerated penii clearly on display, and the guys making them are just assuming that the women pointing and taking photos are doing so out of desire for them and not just taking a photo of the dumb guy displaying his penis on public transit so they can show their friends and laugh about it.
I notice bulges now and then but I don't go around "looking" at them.
Most of these video examples are of comically exaggerated penii clearly on display, and the guys making them are just assuming that the women pointing and taking photos are doing so out of desire for them and not just taking a photo of the dumb guy displaying his penis on public transit so they can show their friends and laugh about it.

1000 kudos

Why, because modesty is sexy.

Kind of like guys noticing cleavage. If it's there, of course we will look, but it's not something we schedule to do regularly.