If you take supplements,try Swedish flower pollen. I used Source Natural brand. It helps strengthen your pelvic muscles and acts like Flomax. After taking three pills a day with lots of water, I had a real surprise. My orgasms were really intense. It took me about six weeks. I have a thread on LPSG about it. For some it doesn't do much,but for me ,WOW!!!85 yo here. I experience between 8-12 pulsations. Only the first two result in shooting, the rest the cum simply oozes out.
I'm just amazed that you kept such a meticulous record, and I really enjoy the math!!I am 76 years old and masturbate since my 9th year regularly d. H. Every day. That's 67 years. During this time I masturbated about 27 686 times. Of course, I did not have ejaculate until I was 12 years old. Even now I masturbate on average 1.2 times a week with the greatest pleasure. Normally I have a masturbation time of 2 min.
That's why I got the exact numbers because I kept a sex diary out of interest.
With an ejaculation amount of 1.54 grams on average, this results in 27 648 masturbations 42.6 kilograms equals about 4.6 buckets with 10 liters content.
ejaculate amount.
Ditto for me.Normally, around 8-10 pulses, usually first three are huge......my max it's 13 shots.
i can reach 1 mt of distance easily with the first pulses.