Do You Enjoy Double Vaginal/anal?

So you're claiming gay men would only be into double vaginal?
No, the desire to be in a vagina dispels the gay moniker, but I think the heterosexually safe location of a vagina is being used as a scapegoat to mask homoerotic, bisexual urges, because as ubiquitous as this action seems to be, the "straight" men whom partake, or seek to only ever talk about other cis male penises in the fray, wherein if the discussion was more around realistic dildoes, women with strap ones, or even cis female presenting trans women with no bottom surgeries, there would be at least less of an implication that you were seeking sexual pleasure and fulfillment from a same sexed individual...otherwise frottage is frottage no matter of your sharing a person's hand, a fleshlight, orthe heteronormatively defined refuge of the vagina.
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Is it just me or does this seem like a very difficult if not impossible idea?
My wife loves this and it's not difficult at all. I lay on my back and she mounts me cowgirl and leans forward against my chest and our friend enters her from behind. She says the stretch is amazing. Jim