Do you have sex every day?

  • Thread starter deleted15981831
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People change over time also--illness, etc. What starts out hot and heavy can change for one person and not the other. So many things go into a relationship and sex is just one aspect. I'd love to have it daily, or would like to think I would.. But sometimes taking care of things by hand is better timing wise---and sometimes (often) far less work!
Such a great perspective on this discussion!
I always have the desire to have sex nearly every day of my adult life, but even when I was younger, daily sex, or event a daily orgasm wasn't on the agenda. Life, work, errands, etc. all take time, so a few times a week was the reality.

When on vacation, daily sex was a treat that we looked forward to. Many years later, twice a week is more the norm, even though we are 'sexual' in some way every day as someone previous mentioned.
I'm a man, and I very much have the urge to have sex at least once per day, if not more. My partner is also a man, but it just doesn't turn out as such with him. To be honest I am perplexed. What is it like for the rest of you?
Being a man doesn't have a lot to do with the urge to have sex every day. And having the urge to have sex every day isn't the same as having sex every day.
Much comes down to your interpretation of sex, do you mean full penetration or do you class masturbation and blow jobs as sex.
As for your partner maybe he is happy just to be with you and gets his sexual satisfaction that way, remember we are all wired differently.
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One week yes another no. It depends and it's absolutely fine if you don't feel ok for sex.
I've been with my current partner for two years and we didn't even have sex everyday at the beginning. Before we moved in together we would generally each time we saw each other (4/5 times a week). Currently we average 3 to 4 days per week.

That's generally more him than me. I could go more often but his sex drive is lower. He compensates in other ways when he's not as interested and I'm horny.
I'm a man, and I very much have the urge to have sex at least once per day, if not more. My partner is also a man, but it just doesn't turn out as such with him. To be honest I am perplexed. What is it like for the rest of you?
Not every day. Maybe every second day.
I'm a man, and I very much have the urge to have sex at least once per day, if not more. My partner is also a man, but it just doesn't turn out as such with him. To be honest I am perplexed. What is it like for the rest of you?
I think that kind of mismatch of sex drives is very common. Speaking for myself, my husband and I are very different in that regard. I would like it every day. He is happy with less. We're coming up on 27 years together, and we're still deeply in love. He just doesn't need to cum as often as I do.

When we have a FWB visiting (we have a small circle of close friends who share our bed from time to time), I get laid multiple times a day, but when it's just us... well, no honeymoon last 27 years, I suppose. With that said, what we have matters far more to me than sex alone, so I make it work. The love matters more. (And when a FWB isn't here, I can supplement things with a hot video chat with one of the FWBs and stroke out a load while we discuss what we'll do next time we're all together.) :cool:
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