Do You Really Think A Woman Would Be Behind A Glory Hole?


Legendary Member
Dec 28, 2014
New York
90% Gay, 10% Straight
I am just curious because I've read an old news story about a few straight men in Florida who were deceived by a gay guy into thinking that he was a married woman giving blowjobs to anonymous men through a glory hole. I personally think those men were very naive or in denial if they believed that.

Do you really think a woman would set up a glory hole in her place to give oral to anonymous men?
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I've was close to a similar situation, where a "girl" even send me pictures of her naked, where she clearly wasn't a guy! I was even outside "her" apartment with a deal of a gloryhole experience before I received the message about the fact the she was a he... Rushed of immediately! This wasn't really anonymous since we had been writing together for some time, but when I came home and looked up the phone-number, I could see an extensive search on that specific number, meaning other guys had probably been involved in the same scam... Just be honest, and don't waste people's time... : unamused:
I think there'd be more of a chance of me winning the lottery than the person behind any glory hole being female and that's even when you consider that I don't even play the lotto.

So yeah, those guys were either really stupid or just playing stupid because they knew what they were getting into but just didn't want to admit it when they were found out. "What do you mean, bro? I'm not gay! I really thought it was a woman. Seriously bro."

Then again since it was in Florida, nothing surprises me anymore.
I think straight men should just be wary in general of sexual offers that seem too good to be true, because more than likely they are ways to get sexual opportunity out of straight men that wouldn't otherwise be widely available.
As discussed in another thread on here somewhere why would you stick your cock in somewhere you can't see? What's on the other side of that wall? I understand its cool to think that there's a horny woman on the other side that just wants to give blowjobs but that's not the reality. Believe after talking to some of my fellow officers that worked vice almost all of those glory holes were filled with men and many of those were guys with stuff you don't want to catch.
I’d be surprised if a glory joke had a woman behind it. Most women would do it in person and want credit for it lol. But gloryholes can attract mostly straight guys or gay guys in denial. I’ve heard people say “they don’t want to know. Just know it feels great!”
I am just curious because I've read an old news story about a few straight men in Florida who were deceived by a gay guy into thinking that he was a married woman giving blowjobs to anonymous men through a glory hole. I personally think those men were very naive or in denial if they believed that.

Do you really think a woman would set up a glory hole in her place to give oral to anonymous men?
On internet Stone Age I spent an hour chatting with a men pretending to be a woman, after he revealed the lie I told him he made us loose our time but gave me a good lesson not everything is what they say it is.
Personally I would assume it’s a guy, but I never encounter a glory hole or heard of appart from here.
On the other side why assume the person is on denial perhaps it’s just bi or gay the orientation is something that only the person knows. Unless the glory hole is on a court of law and the person swear his orientation before the sexual act.
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Very rare that a cis woman would have a private gloryhole setup that anonymous men could use. In saying that, I would say that there is a unique appeal to gloryhole blowjobs that appeal to some men. These fantasies about being anonymous and having a hot babe on the other side of the gloryhole can sometimes drive the fantasy to the point that the idea of the person on the other side might be a man doesn't even deter them. Suspension of disbelief is what is going on here. A lot of times these men get a great blowjob and maintain this belief that it was a hot woman on the other side. Out of sight out of mind. The porn industry is to blame for some of the debaucherous fantasies that some people entertain.
Very rare that a cis woman would have a private gloryhole setup that anonymous men could use. In saying that, I would say that there is a unique appeal to gloryhole blowjobs that appeal to some men. These fantasies about being anonymous and having a hot babe on the other side of the gloryhole can sometimes drive the fantasy to the point that the idea of the person on the other side might be a man doesn't even deter them. Suspension of disbelief is what is going on here. A lot of times these men get a great blowjob and maintain this belief that it was a hot woman on the other side. Out of sight out of mind. The porn industry is to blame for some of the debaucherous fantasies that some people entertain.
This is ask straight men and only we and the op can answer.
You failed to fill in your percentages but I assume you are a hr recruiter who happens to be a singer because you promote yourself as a talented mouth, the option is you are yourself deceiving people to come to your hole and thought as a good opportunity to promote yourself.
You'd be wrong on many fronts. I think you are overthinking comments made in a forum too much. Your assumptions about my sexuality and my purpose in posting as a recruiter are so off base. Who would try to recruit on an international site. It's a site for sharing experiences, pictures, and videos. That's what I do and you should do the same. If you get triggered by every individual post then you probably should excuse yourself from the site to keep your mental health in check. Oh and by the way I wouldn't need to use the site to promote myself. I well taken care in that area.
You'd be wrong on many fronts. I think you are overthinking comments made in a forum too much. Your assumptions about my sexuality and my purpose in posting as a recruiter are so off base. Who would try to recruit on an international site. It's a site for sharing experiences, pictures, and videos. That's what I do and you should do the same. If you get triggered by every individual post then you probably should excuse yourself from the site to keep your mental health in check. Oh and by the way I wouldn't need to use the site to promote myself. I well taken care in that area.
Ok wait for me on Texas or on kik I’ll be there any minute, as a head doc you could check my mental health yourself.
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Extremely rare even though there are women who love it.
Where would I find a glory hole after all? A regular person probably doesn't know that they exist, unless they clicked on a porn video about it. Looking for a glory hole and taking part in one must be extremely rare. It is just an order of promiscuity.