Do You Really Think A Woman Would Be Behind A Glory Hole?

I am just curious because I've read an old news story about a few straight men in Florida who were deceived by a gay guy into thinking that he was a married woman giving blowjobs to anonymous men through a glory hole. I personally think those men were very naive or in denial if they believed that.

Do you really think a woman would set up a glory hole in her place to give oral to anonymous men?

Who is more the fool ?
The Fool himself; or the Fool for follows the directions from the Fool ?

To my knowledge Cat Fishing / lying , taking advantage of others, by preying on their need for companionship, is a bad thing
On the other hand, the guys with their penises through a wall, fall along the low IQ scale . Remember if something is too good, it is probably a scam.

But to answer: Sex workers around the country, will perform things, because that is their profession, how they support themselves , Women / non sex workers , in my opinion are no where as likely to blow random strangers Women based on my experience here , are a little more complicated than gay men / Based on the number of personal adds here, I can safely say women no where as easy to get sex from ( yes there are a few exceptions bless them :cool: )

I will not go into the heath risks, There are a boat load of orally transmitted diseases one can contract.
So the mouth could transmit a disease; as well as contract from any host

I know people do a lot of stupid, unsafe stuff but using glory holes has to be among the worst. You DO NOT know who is on the other side. You don't know their health, their hygiene, their real intent. Hell, what if the person on the other side is some sort of real evil guy/gal and whacks you did with a knife? Just how do you explain that?