Wondering if your wives also watch porn, do you guys talk about it? Do you watch together?
My wife knows I watch porn, but not the extent to which I do. She generally doesnt like it (jealousy of hot woman, my wife is hot btw and we have a great sex life).
I also know she occasionally watches porn, and every now and then if we are drunk we will watch it together during sex, but those times are rare.
Recently we had those nights and I asked her to put on what she likes to watch. And she said she likes looking for this pornstar in the clip below. His cock is huge, probably one of the biggest girths I’ve seen. I was a bit surprised she focused on that massive girth.
My cock is big by normal standards at 7.5 x 5.25ish to 5.5. So I’m rather confident in what I got. But that girth would make me look small in comparison. I know she’s a size queen and I love it cause she does worship my cock well. I enjoy when she gets curious about cock sizes.
I wonder how you all feel about wives and porn. Do you openly discuss? Does it make you feel insecure? What if you have a more average cock?
Would love to know, I was unable to find a thread on this. The girthy cock in question is below.