Dom King OF King_media

So according to your logic, if a biological (aka cis) gay man doesn't want to date a trans man then he is transphobic! Seriously!?

People are allowed to have preferences. No one should be forced to date anyone.
If a person doesn't want to date people from certain ethnicity then it's totally fine.
It's only racism if the person thinks that just because he isn't attracted to them, then it means people from that ethnicity aren't hot or dateable and other people have the same mentality & attraction as his.
No one is forcing anyone to date anyone.

That said if you say “I don’t date this race of person” or “Im only into white guys” you are in fact racist, yes. Your preferences may be racist.
No one is forcing anyone to date anyone.

That said if you say “I don’t date this race of person” or “Im only into white guys” you are in fact racist, yes. Your preferences may be racist.
So there's no winning then?

If someone only date according to their preference then people like you will label them as racist, but if they don't want to be labeled racist they have to ignore their preference and force themself to date people they are not necessarily attracted to.

It's 2024 indeed.
I mean, if he tweeted that black people have bad breath that’s pretty racist. It’s not Hitler level racist but it’s not going to get him invited to any NAACP awards dinners either.
And also tweets about how “loud and obvious” black ppl are.
So there's no winning then?

If someone only date according to their preference then people like you will label them as racist, but if they don't want to be labeled racist they have to ignore their preference and force themself to date people they are not necessarily attracted to.

It's 2024 indeed.

I don’t think he’s exactly being labeled racist for his dating preference. More so for his racist tweets against blacks. The dating preference was the cherry on top
No one is forcing anyone to date anyone.

That said if you say “I don’t date this race of person” or “Im only into white guys” you are in fact racist, yes. Your preferences may be racist.

So people can't have preferences? Or if they have, then they shouldn't tell others because if they do that then they'll be labled as racist by people like you?!

Don't you think it'll be easier for everyone especially in the dating scene, if people didn't have to hide their preferences. People who aren't gonna date certain ethnicity, aren't gonna change their mind either way. So why beating around the bush here? If their profile addressed their preferences then people from certain ethnicity wouldn't have to waste their time.
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anyone got that video where hes fucking someone in the drivers seat? ive seen it once but its like it vanished off the internet