Donny Harrington (f4f), Wrestler_Chris, chriswrestlerof

We can only presume it, but there are several elements in favour of that hypotesis:
1) he travels a lot to fancy places, with no clearly stated purpose;
2) his IG account @chris_bednarik doesn't really deal with fitness, it seems more a series of commercials to just show off himself;
3) he was photographed together with Mike Thurston (see below), whose reputation is known;
4) he has no apparent job, and we know his previous occupation.
So, I would say that "It looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck." But of course there could be a different explanation based on elements we don't know.
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He's now doing OF collabs with Viggo Sorensen, Paul Cassidy, etc He had to have a porn name for IG and OF different than his trademarked Bel Ami name so he's now "Wrestler_Chris".

His 1st day shooting sex scenes with the guys. Probably be just a top for a while. View attachment 104830811


I have direct messaged him on his OF site to suggest that he start posting nudes for his fans…still photos and videos to cash in on giving his sex to us. My point is that these photos and videos are out on the World Wide Web for everyone in the world to see and enjoy for free! Why not cash in on his own market and up his pornographic game. If he does this he will not only acquire more fans, but they will also resubscribe repeatedly to keep up with his hot and nasty sex material. Why would he continue having people just get it for free from the internet?
