Pictures you can hear.
…with additional chest compressions.He should just bewoop into my ass
I just imagined him pounding while using a stethoscope to listen to the sound of the stomachHe should just bewoop into my ass
i wish but he seems str8OK, but why does he have a bit of a faggcent?
I don’t think it’s just because he’s a russian jew from nyc?. Maybe hes-
While religion wasn't formally banned in the Soviet Union. It was more difficult to teach and practice religious rituals like circumcision. Many Soviet born Jews weren't circumcised as is tradition. There's a vague chance Mike isn't since he was born in Russia before the fall in 1992. He could've been as an adult. But no details really on his stance or anything on the subject. So it's pointless to speculateSo, for like two people?
We have never seen his dick so safe to say he is bothIs he uncut?
have some class omg???Nothing vague about it, I'm sucking a load from it either way
I actually agree with this, or at the very least make it reportable/removable like ongoing discussions about politics or sexual orientation. This pointless topic can derail a thread for pages.The mods should give one of those 3-days warning bans to everyone bringing this useless cut/uncut discussion up. Every month this shit is back on this thread and it leads to nowhere. Annoying as fuck...