I’m here for the same reason most users follow threads of hot guys on LPSG: because we think the guy is hot, and we like looking at posted pics of him. Yes, sometimes, these threads have posts of users gossiping about the guys, too. But occasional gossip is a hell of a lot different than what you do,
@Tubbs. Your posts are nothing less than incessant trolling.
You are here with the explicit intention of souring this thread and its subject for most of its followers - certainly for anyone who may happen to like Dylan Geick. You are not content with merely registering your dislike of him and moving on with your life. You exhibit an obsession, nearly a daily one, with coming here to publicly trash a guy - one 30 years younger than you are, which is weird enough. But it’s made even weirder by your bizarre display of how obsessed you are with the intimate details of this guy’s sex life, and with everyone he’s met, or hangs out with, or talks about. You have collected countless screencaps of texts and social media interactions, you have lists of people he’s been seen with, and you’ve researched their pasts... you really have stalked this kid. And you clearly have some kind of grudge against him. Is it mere envy? That’s he’s an attractive 20 year old with a (perhaps) promising future, while you’re a 50 year old man obsessed with trolling him? Or is there some more personal reason for this driving vendetta you keep working here, over and over, with no end?
My own interest in Dylan, probably like most following this thread, is pretty superficial. And while I don’t agree with everything he says and does, or all his politics, or everyone who is around him, I also don’t so much care. It’s not the center of my world, as it is yours. I get that Dylan’s only 20 years old and still exploring life, and making mistakes, and stumbling upon successes. His Youtubes or Snapchats are fun to follow. Am I his biggest fan? Not close. I wouldn’t even spend much time defending him. But your scary, relentless, and irritating posts in this thread beg to be called out. You are a textbook troll. And if there’s one thing life under awful Trump has taught me, it’s that people need to stand up to trolls sooner rather than later.