Photos & Videos East Asian Guys

The videos are literally 4 to even 6hrs long! Some ppl upload it part wise (1hr each) and some parts were free. But only some. I found almost all the videos, but paid. If anyone is desperately wanting to watch it by spending money (3-5 yuans; 1usd ≈ 7yuan), I can lead u.
Can you count how many models involved on these video series?
Lately we got a series of chinese nude cam porn. At first sight they look like amateur/personal videos. But apparently these videos are being directed by some porn studio. all models are acting similar, jerking off, riding dildos, putting nipple pincher device, douching, sometimes pooping (in a hotel room, and rarely in their own dirty apartments)
i dont know where they come from or the studio name, but im glad they exist and i hope it will be a long lasting series with more beefy models and bodybuilders :)

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The one in the 2nd vid is 周锡达 Zhou Xi Da aka 周德芙. Lowkey felt bad for him cause he’s somewhat famous and is idolized by many. These humiliating vids of him could have cost him brand sponsorships for his body building career.
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But, I doubt he would have trouble finding new sponsors ;) jk
Is it possible that making explicit porn isnt really considered as humiliating in China? Like, bodybuilder can live a double job as bodybuilder and a hoe? Because ive seen many professional bodybuilders are posing nude, jerk off and even getting head on magazines like Hormones and Adonisjing