Eating A Woman's Ass

I've done it and I will do it again. I actually enjoy it.

Cleanliness is a given, though. I wouldn't do it unless she had showered very recently, but aside from that precaution - go for it.

I also really enjoy receiving. I was skeptical at first like most guys seem to be, but once it happened I never turned back.
I have a butt hole, S. Could you lick me?:tongue:
spread em, b!! :tongue:

I'm trying to get the guts up to do this to my husband. I know he's clean as a whistle but i dont want him to get all paranoid like New End on me!
girl you definitely need to try it! take baby steps and do it little by little. it's not something you can jump into right away. your hubby is going to fall even more in love with you!

...I also really enjoy receiving. I was skeptical at first like most guys seem to be, but once it happened I never turned back.
^ listen to the man!!! :biggrin1:
ughh, all hairy and ... ugh. nasty.

You know, women use half a roll of toilet paper every time they wipe... men, not so much. I don't know how she did it, but my g/f didn't even have a whiff of ass down there.
Some guys actually trim/shave/wax near their butthole. If men expect women to do that around their pussy, then why shouldn't men do it by their butthole? I don't know how to get anywhere near clean using just toilet paper if I have tons of hair down their. Keep it trim and take your showers after you have a bowel movement and everything will stay nice and clean.
I love eating a girls ass. I put her in the shower first, give it a good clean inside and out and then lick and kiss away ;)
I love eating sweaty pussy too, but I always clean the ass before I munch on it.
I love having my ass licked. I've only been into it for about a year. This guy I was seeing just spread my ass and went to it before I could protest and I ended up loving it.
I have done it only to friends that I have known for a long time, only on ocassions of great arousal and when I ,at least (blindly), sensed it was clean enough.
There are so many nervous endings in the ass that I know if well done, it makes them tickle, if I am really into pleasure them completely, I do it, it excites me, so we both end up happier! :eek:
Don't you Americans use a Bidet?
How on earth can your bottoms be truely clean after a poop when you rely soley on dry toilet paper?
My gf soaps herself good & inserts a little soap inside. After the shower I rub her ass with mouthwash which kills bacteria & also leaves a pleasant taste to lick. No problems so far