ED as a result of PSSD? (I even lost maybe a couple of inches)


Loved Member
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Jul 14, 2024
60% Gay, 40% Straight
I was on Prozac for many, many years for anxiety and depression, and it wrecked my penis. The effects were so gradual - and notably, it never affected my libido, so that helped it camouflage the other effects - that I didn't notice until last year. The effects I'm suffering from are:

* Boners are much, much less hard and last way less.

* Most likely resulting from the decreased blood flow, dick lenght and girth also decreased significantly. I think lenght wise I lost 2 inches.

* Sperm volume and force reduced significantly. Used to be a big shooter, now I just dribble little amounts.

* Orgasm intensity diminished as well, not by much but enough to be noticeable.

* Testicles size decreased substantially.

* Potentially related: My phimosis got worse, which I didn't think was a thing.

I don't have lower libido, delayed ejaculation or difficulty starting an erection (it's just not usually a very hard one).

I've been off Prozac for maybe 5 months now and I'm not noticing any improvement, with the sole exception perhaps of one instance of a really hard and lasting morning wood recently. Hadn't had one of those in a long time.

Now, I can't say for sure this is PSSD. I want to rule out low testosterone first. Also, it's my understanding that PSSD doesn't cause testicle shrinkage, so there may be something there. And I wonder if there's a link between phimosis and ED. But I'm 99% sure it's PSSD and I fear it may be permanent.
Does this happen with Duloxetine?
The Forum I referenced in the post before yours had numerous mentions of Duloxetine. You can use the search function there for a list, and this link is to a sufferer discussing Dulox and his ED:
PSSD since 6 years
I've been taking fluoxetine for a few years - it has decreased my sexual urges/drive (which I expected) but it hasn't affected me physically.

I saw a documentary on TV a few months ago called 'The Antidepressant Story', where physical side effects (sexual and non-sexual) are discussed. It's a British documentary but you might be able to find it online somewhere.

But like others have said, talk to a doctor. You may be scared/embarrassed, but talking to a doctor will be more helpful than talking to me.

Good luck!
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