My experience as a huge blind man, Ask me anything

Hello everyone,

My name is Frederick, I am 36 years old, I'm gay and married.

I have a particularly large penis, it is about 22 cm erect, sometimes a little more. I'm about 16 or 17 cm soft, maybe, I don't really know. I had it measured when I was much younger but haven't had my partner measure it again since.

My other particularity is that I have suffered from retinitis pigmentosa since I was in my twenties. I am now considered blind. I can just make out shapes and lights. It is an incurable genetic disease.

I read your messages with an AI assistant, I am pretty autonomous but I obviously cannot see your images and videos. My AI assistant helps me describe images but it's not perfect.

For more complex tasks, my husband helps me. He is the one who took the photos and attached them to this message.

Going blind was a source of anxiety and depression for me. But I think it developed a different relationship with sexuality in me, and that's what I'd like to discuss on this site. I have developed a much greater sensitivity to touch than when I was able-bodied.

First I rediscovered my body. There were details that I didn't pay attention to when I had sight, like my body hair. We live with fabric on us all the time, we prepare ourselves by looking in the mirror, with particular attention given to the face. Not knowing what your face really looks like, except by touching it, shifts your attention to other parts of the body. Now I dress in clothes with more open, more low-cut collars. Because I like to feel my body. You become less self-conscious because you have extra pounds, because you are insecure about your body hair... This insecurity is conditioned by the way others look at you, but when you can't see them, you don't care.

I don't pay attention to my bulge anymore. I don't even notice it anyway. I like swimming and going to the gym and I take off my clothes without any complexes in the locker room now. It's easier for me anyway: if I start hiding with towel and clothes, I risk losing them or not finding them again. I don't know how people react, they probably take advantage of the fact that I'm blind to look at me more insistently. If I can satisfy their curiosity, I am the happiest of men!

I also realized how big my cock was. I always loved it. I wouldn't say I was proud of it, but I loved looking at it and seeing it dangling. But in the end, I looked at it, I took a lot of pictures of it but I had somewhat lost awareness of its 'materiality' if I make myself clear. I became more aware of what it could mean to my partner when I penetrate him. Even more than before, I love touching it and feeling its length and thickness. I think it made me more empathetic in my sexual relationships, and it made me realize that it could actually hurt if I wasn't careful.

I spent a lot of time on dating sites, and I realized that these places are toxic. For sex, you form an opinion on a few photos taken by amateurs, which do not necessarily highlight them. There is no more mystery, you have access to all the information: their age, height, weight, sexual preferences, cock size. You no longer get to know the person, you make a pre-selection. I can understand that it's difficult for gay people to meet outside of these sites and apps, but I think that contributes to making this community toxic. There are not in physical places of sociability anymore. It makes people unhappy, at home, behind their screens.

I met my future husband in a bar I frequented regularly. My sight had already deteriorated considerably but it was better than it is today. I could still see his face roughly, without the details. I know he had a beautiful smile and that's what I miss the most. Over time, the memory of faces fades and that's what saddens me the most. I no longer have a visual memory of his smile.

Anyway, the fact remains that one day we exchanged a few small talk, around my adorable assistance dog. He was also a customer but he went to get me a bowl of water for the dog. From there, we talked for a very long time, at least two hours. Little by little, we became lovers. In another context, perhaps I wouldn't have 'shortlisted' him, based on his photos. Conversely, if he knew I had a big dick, he might have approached me differently. I surprised him with my big cock, he surprised me with the shape of his body. We are happily married, and I have the best husband in the world. He understood that I didn't need a second service dog as a boyfriend, that he needed to give me autonomy but at the same time, he's always there when I need him. He accepts me and I don't think many other men would have done the same. There are definitely things you can't do when you're blind, which impacts our leisure activities as a couple.

I have a huge sexual appetite and without bragging, I am enduring. We are a libertine couple. I like even more than before to feel my cock in the ass of men and to grip it. I hear the breathing and moaning even more. You don't necessarily pay attention to it when you have sight. I like to leave my cock available to everyone in the libertine club. I sometimes feel a hand, or some hungry guys rubbing their ass against my cock. It makes me even more horny! I love jerking off with both hands in front of them and hearing my balls slap. I hear them jerking off too...

In short, I think that my disability has at least the advantage of having reconnected me to the real world, whereas one might think that, conversely, disabled people are distant from it. There are a lot of things I miss since losing my sight but sex has never felt better.

I think my message is very long. I don't realize it because I'm speaking orally. And I'll let the translator take care of transcribing all that. Feel free to ask me any questions you have. I can read you without any problem. And I hope to bring you satisfactory answers.
There is so much to like about this thread. First, thank you for sharing. Also, you're empathetic and understanding of relationship dynamics and how often insular nature of dating app usage makes life toxic. Let's not forget your adorable assistant dog. For me, hearing breathing and moans are one of the only things I need during sexual intimacy. It is often the thing that puts me over the edge. Is it true that you get to use more senses during intimate times than those with sight?