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You better reeeeeaaaaaaaaddd hunty. I see I hit a nerve you went in for the jugular. Came out of nowhere with it too. Now which group do you belong to the dumb black men still lining his pockets or the elderly white men who tip him generously to be ignored? Honey I completely own my shit it was fun and I would do it again. But y'all girls on here spent 42 pages and a lot of money lusting after a stunt queen. Thats the tea!
Didn’t you say you were leaving? Lol
There’s a 25 minute video of Eddie on “DeepsmashedAtl” getting head from a Trans. I’m shocked it hasn’t been posted in here.
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1. Reading is fundamental. I gave you the tea now sip. This is not lipstick alley I don't need to give no receipts I don't care if you believe it or not. Eddie is not some celebrity he survives by using people for financial gain and he don't even have nothing to show for his efforts but a Chevy Cruze. He is not untouchable. If you got the coin you can get that dick too. I'm not here to be vindicated or validated. I didn't post this for clout or even try to make myself look good like he was my man or something. What I told you actually didn't cast myself in the greatest light either but its what happened. If you think its fiction that's cool keep it moving.

2. I didn't write a best seller on his personal life I wrote about my experiences with him. The things I could say and put out there I won't because he don't deserve that its not that deep. I know personal things about him that could hurt him if I wanted to. All of the things he has done to make money you really think he not out here selling dick? No straight man does the things he does for money. My problem with Eddie is he wasn't smart he would have been better off never showing his face if he wanted to remain closeted. Now he has become a joke in his city. He is definitely gay for pay. You out of towners are the only ones still lusting over him and wasting your coins.

3. Eddie is a sex addict he will fuck anything if it benefits him. I wasn't someone special nor was I his first gay encounter. Just think about it he is constantly in public pulling out his dick jacking in front of anyone who will give him a gander ANYONE. If I really wanted to be messy I could easily tip off the cops and get him locked up for all of this public exposure. However, I'm not bitter what we had was what it was. These hoes be for everybody. Let Eddie continue to get his coin because the same people on here complaining about his content are the same people still subscribed and still buying his ppv and lusting after him on twitter. If you gonna spend all that you may as well just book him. He is in different cities all the time booking dates. His twitter getting suspended did not stop his coin one bit. Y'all made him infamous.
SO WHAT WAS YOUR FUCKING POINT IF THIS MEANT NOTHING? You apparently needed to get some shit off your chest, BUT what you failed to realize is that, this isn't the place. We don't give a fuck. Go talk to your therapist. You're literally on here writing essays about someone who you pretend to not give a fuck about. If what you said, IS indeed true, then you have some real issues that you need to work through because baby, you sound HURT.
His clients are mostly old white men because they pay the most for the least. He has made $1500 just to piss on someone. However you brothas out here should know better. Big dick niggas like him come a dime a dozen out here. Real trade have something to lose he don't have shit to lose right now but y'all still shopping like he a hot commodity.

Real trade won't allow a camera no where near their encounters. Eddie ain't some notch on my belt I have had bigger and better. I shop with the pretty boys Eddie was just convenient when I was living in lame ass Flint at school. Him and Rell were the only ugly ass niggas I spent a few dollars on. I'm back in the D and big dick trade is all over the city.

Eddie name is mud in the streets why you think he got that bad bodied girlfriend he always filming with? She ain't go no ass and a cheeseburger away from being obese she does have a cute face she not ugly. You would think he could pull a real bad bitch right? The bad bitches in his area ain't checking for him like that. He might be able to fuck but as far as laying up on them living with them for the free? Naw. Salute to those females because they use him for what he is good for.
And why are you on here dissing here girl. You're a lame ass nigga. Like really. Everything you've typed seems obsessive. At least we know what's up with Eddie. He hustling by any means necessary. Now what's your problem because clearly you don't have it all together.
So basically dude is saying that Eddie is trade & alleging he had intimate dealings with him via trade off for dick for room and board & gear etc.. lol. Furthermore the reason E cooled off on the gay ish content is cuz some trans aired his shit out on some Flint FL fb Downlo group. Evidently he don't appreciate Eddie pretending to be offended by gay advances and keep putting out bullshit content? I think that about sums it up? :joy:
SINCE I'M TYPICALLY BUSY MINDING MY BUSINESS, AS OTHER'S SHOULD ALSO BE DOING, let me ask, what the fuck was all that about and why? Started off by saying, "I'm not going to drag him or tell his personal personal business" then proceeds to script a mini movie in which he shares personal business and drags him. Sounds like some unresolved distraught fag shit to me. I mean ugh, wtf was he in this group anyways? That mf needs a psychological evaluation and some serious therapy. Eddie got a hold on him. A SERIOUS HOLD.
SINCE I'M TYPICALLY BUSY MINDING MY BUSINESS, AS OTHER'S SHOULD ALSO BE DOING, let me ask, what the fuck was all that about and why? Started off by saying, "I'm not going to drag him or tell his personal personal business" then proceeds to script a mini movie in which he shares personal business and drags him. Sounds like some unresolved distraught fag shit to me. I mean ugh, wtf was he in this group anyways? That mf needs a psychological evaluation and some serious therapy. Eddie got a hold on him. A SERIOUS HOLD.
Bro that's what I was about to say you usually stay in the cut but the cap & the bullshit was such a high level incident you had to come out! LOL Like I legit didn't even know about the ignore feature til dude put me on cuz I never had to ignore the neighbors.. Hell I thought we lived in a gated community with the security posted up but they just letting ANYBODY move in now :joy:
So I joined to drop some tea on Eddie I know him personally. I knew him pre twitter and OF. I'm not going to drag him or tell his personal personal business but I will let you all know about him and his con.

Over the summer Eddie's entire empire fell apart due to stupidity. For one he uses his real government name like a dummy and mixed his straight content with his gay content. I think he underestimated the power of gay twitter. He went viral about 3 weeks after he began posting. I don't think he was at all prepared for the "fame" but he was money hungry and he knew him pretending to be str8 and making the gays who pay extra for something he "doesn't normally do" would get him the most money. Eddie has a con about him not necessarily a hustle because he was dusty when I met him. He is street smart but he isn't a street nigga at all. He is soft spoken and funny he isn't ugly but he isn't really the type I usually go for. I like them light skinned and tall. His dick and body more than made up for the looks. We are the same size I gave him brand new clothes, underwear and socks when he started living with me. Wait.. I'm getting ahead of myself.

He has multiple BMs and was homeless and a rent boy when I knew him. He claimed his family didn't care anything about him but I later found out he kept getting put out by his family because he didn't want to pay bills and spent all his money on shoes and dumb shit. His first BM he was living with and in a relationship with for years but he cheated on her in their bed (I would too be burned by his habitual ways). He was deeply closeted its almost like he hates gay people he said some crazy shit to me that made me put him out of my crib one and for all.

I met him on Jackd his profile was always blank with no pic and he stayed hmu asking for money for pics and vids and he was asking for money for me to suck on his dick. This is pre-OF. I'm sorry you all bought into the BS he has been spewing about being straight he was experienced when I met him. He tried to run the same game on me but I been in the life long enough to know what he was all about. I would love to say I was his first experience, but he was mad comfortable with me. The only thing he wouldn't do was kiss me and he always asked me to cut my facial hair. I later found out this was due to his fetish for transformers. We linked up after texting on and off for a week at UM Flint Library.

It was just jacking in one of the private bathrooms located in MSB building at the school. He would use the gym there but he wasn't a student like me I guess he knew someone because he was always up there. It was funny when we finally met because I had seen him on campus before. He always looked kinda dusty but he was never dirty or smelled. Just seemed like he didn't have a lot and he was actually a nice person. One day he kept hmu for $100 saying his phone was about to get cut off and he would let me suck him. I'm like for $100 I'm tryna get smashed. He kept blowing my phone up but refusing to fuck me so I stopped answering him. About 3 hours later he sends me a video of him on the toilet stroking it out. I asked him was he ready to dick me down. He asked if I had the $100 I'm like yeah. Long story short he fucked me in the backseat of my SUV in the parking garage (it was summer) at my school. The dick was good but we damn near got caught because my windows were not tinted and I am kinda loud. He was nervous and took foever to bust. Real police be are employed by the school's security so we had reason to be nervous but the though of getting caught is all the thrill when hooking up for some reason.

We went for a good 35 minutes he pulled out and let go on my ass. I gave him the $$ and we parted ways. He claimed he wasn't going to hmu anymore because he wasn't gay he just did it for the money. I knew better because I had dealt with a similar situation before with this guy named Rell that was from Flint he was popular on twitter a while back and had a dick bigger than Eddie's. He was light skinned and tall and lanky and ugly as hell but that dick was a good twelve inches. Speaking of Flint and big dick. I don't know whats in the water (no pun) but there are a lot of big dick guys out here. The biggest dick I ever had I met in Flint he used to be on twitter his name was KoolKiddKev or something. He was the first person to make me bust without touching myself. So yes I know good dick.

I wasn't pressed over Eddie but he can fuck and he is freaky and stays hard consistently which is a wonderful thing because a lot of big dick guys cannot keep it up. One thing I can say is Eddie wasn't a druggie like Rell and he wasn't a bad person he just had hang ups about his bisexuality I wish he would cme to terms with. We text here and thereI let him live on my couch for 3 months rent free with perks due to him becoming homeless in the dead of winter with no coat and only his cell phone a a backpack of dirty clothes. He begged to live with me and I was genuinely feeling bad for him but I had lust going for me as well.

Our arrangement was that he would dick me down and I wouldn't charge him anything but he could only stay for 3 months because when my lease was up I was not renewing because I was about to graduate and move back home to save money and start my career. All went well for the first month he was fun to be around the sex was damned good and he liked to cook and clean. When I got a job working third shift is when all hell broke loose. He started bringing bitches into the crib which I told him was against my rules. He was free to go anywhere and do anything he wanted to do but don't disrespect my home. He ended up in a relationship with this girl I would come home and she would still be there. To save face I would be nice to her and she would eventually leave after about 20 minutes after I would come home from work. I didn't even trip until they fucked in my bed and I came home early to find him banging her in my bed when there was a full spare room. He started getting stingy with the dick and I found out he had not saved any money. I was doing him a favor and having some live in dick for the winter at the same time. We got into a bad fight and my neighbors called the cops. I didn't open the door when they came and we ended up having sex for the last time that night and the next morning I told him he had to go so his girlfriend picked him up.

Now mind you most gay dudes with intuition know when you have sex with someone and its going to be the last time. It just felt final. Looking back he never thanked me for anything I did for him and he just kept taking advantage. I'm the type will be nice and take a lot but when I am done its like you never existed. We had a fun little run for what it was and I am not made at him because I knew what it was when I let him stay. That last night was the night he said some disrespectful shit to me. He started saying he hope he doesn't have AIDS fucking with me. That hurt my feelings because we got tested together and I encouraged condom use but he didn't want any parts of it. Mind you we both were fucking other people but my encounters were protected I know for a fact his were not because like I said he does not like condoms. The shit he was saying really let me know he wasn't for me and I made the mistake of thinking we had actually become friends. He was just along for the ride literally. I remember one night we had sex and he kissed and licked my neck and I just went into to kiss him on the lips. He choked me and told me he would kill me if I ever did that again. That was another red flag and I knew he really hated himself. Everytime he would bust he would leave the bed and go sleep in the other room.

So years down the road we lost contact and I noticed his page going viral in early 2021 on twitter. I kept a low profile and honestly I wasn't even hating on him. But the agenda and con he has going where he actually had people thinking he is this straight guy really sent me. For one he likes ass play and I ate that mf idk how many times. I saw how he was really playing a role just to scam and get money from the gays. I wasn't even going to write all of his about him but why the fuck not. I don't have no loyalty to him and he clearly wasn't my friend.

So what you guys didn't know was that back in the summer of 2022 in Flint, MI there was a white trans with a real big booty on Facebook who moved away from the city and decided to create a Down Lo page on facebook exposing guys in Flint, MI all because her boyfriend broke up with her and left her for a woman. She exposed a lot of guys many who are ladies men very hardcore and rugged one is even a thug turned preacher now. Eddie was one of the guys who got exposed. They began sending DM the videos of him letting dude tug on his dick as well as a video of Eddie playing with his ass with a cucumber (he was just rubbing his anus really).

So the entire town of Flint was shook when that Down Lo page started exposing straight dudes who get down. Some of these guys were ladies men but most had been to prison as well. Eddie was the exception. I mean people's moms and aunts were under the post proclaiming their family members heterosexuality and the exposer would send them pics, videos and screenshots of them hooking up with the guys or talking some gay shit.

The page grew from 100 friends to all 5000 friends within a few days. People kept trying to get the page taken down but it took a good week for it to get taken down and reputations were damaged by then. Eddie is someone who got hurt the worst behind this. Now everyone is saying he is gay and his family found out he was doing p0rn.

If you paid attn to Eddie's old twitter acct EddieDBigD (not the first one) you would notice him following and liking a lot of trans content. Apparently he and this trans had something going on because she recorded Eddie calling her begging her to take down the videos because it was hurting his family life. I did feel bad when I heard him pleading with her because is BM went apeshit and stopped him from seeing his kids. The other BM is a white girl and I don't think the kid lives in Michigan he would always facetime though.

I will be honest I have a heart and Eddie didn't deserve what happened to him because it really fucked his family life up that wasn't so great to begin with. I never would have spoke on him if it wasn't already out there in the city about him being gay.

His BM was being sent a lot of content that is circulating on here as well and she was pissed. She took him to court and refused to let him see his oldest child and increased his child support. When he was defending himself on facebook he posted screenshots of all the money he has made from his sexcapades. It was a cute coin

Yes, Eddie is a vagabond he don't have a place to live of his own so he usually just lives with girlfriends. He does work but he never had no hustle about him. He was real bummy a few years ago before he started making that extra income and dressed a lot better and has had a car for some time. Eddie came on the Down Lo page to defend himself and posted screenshots of all the money he makes from his videos and proclaiming himself to be a straight man just made me sick. No one should be drug out of the closet but he speaks really foul about gays when he made all of his money from the gay community.

His entire family saw the videos and it caused him a lot of pain. I feel bad for him because even tho him and I don't rock like that anymore I still got love for him. Eddie once had a promising future as a boxer is what a lot of people don't know. He actually started Clarissa Shields to boxing when they were young. He challenged her to come to the gym with him where he was being trained and mentored and the rest is history. Eddie won quite a few matches in high school and looked like he was on his way to the Olympics but he was unprepared at a very important boxing match and lost horribly. He never got the chance to go pro meanwhile he watched as his protege Clarissa Sheilds skyrocket to fame.

He got money hungry and went about the whole p0rn shit the wrong way. He started scamming the gays because they were an easy target. People can only expose what you give them. I had dealings with Eddie and I can guarantee you he is bisexual but closeted. His penis is dreamy and its shocking to see on him in person because he is all of about 5'6 and thin but muscular. He used to be at the YMCA in Flint, MI but he calmed that down I think someone reported him. You can still find him at Planet Fitness. His content has really fallen off I think he is more or less catering to the white audience now who will pay a cute coin for cam sessions and those quick money grabs he likes.

The real reason he has not returned to twitter is that he prefers to make his money more discreetly now the twitter page really fucked his life up a lot. So you all will continue to get garbage content as long as he has a full belly. Meaning people are willing to fly him out for freak sessions or spends money on his recycled videos. He had a lot of money in that account when he posted those screenshots.

The manager you all think is fake is very real. The manager sent him to some hick town in Illinois and he was telling all of his followers to book him in Chicago and his damn ass had to get on there and apologize because he wasn't in Chicago he was in damn Springfield. That is why that man promotes the fuck out of Eddie on his twitter page and barely retweets the other "clients" he represents. Eddie is his money maker and he is escorting now. So when you see him post and he is in Miami or Cali or elsewhere outside of Michigan that is what is going on.

I'm not mad at him but I will never forget how he did me. Or shall I say I allowed him to do me. It was a lesson learned and one the rare occassion I pay for some dick I will not get so dickmatized. The bottom line is all of these men are about the coin even the straight ones will get turned out for the right amount. Eddie is no exception. One thing I can say is he never stole from me and when we quarantined together and both had Covid he looked after me because mine was worse than his. I wish him the best and I ain't throwing no shade on his hustle, but I don't like how he scams the gays and tries to gaslight like he isn't doing anything wrong. I would have respect him more if he just came out as bisexual and kept putting fire content out. The whole city thinks he is gay anyway and his girlfriend is dumb to still be with him.

Oh well I digress...
His clients are mostly old white men because they pay the most for the least. He has made $1500 just to piss on someone. However you brothas out here should know better. Big dick niggas like him come a dime a dozen out here. Real trade have something to lose he don't have shit to lose right now but y'all still shopping like he a hot commodity.

Real trade won't allow a camera no where near their encounters. Eddie ain't some notch on my belt I have had bigger and better. I shop with the pretty boys Eddie was just convenient when I was living in lame ass Flint at school. Him and Rell were the only ugly ass niggas I spent a few dollars on. I'm back in the D and big dick trade is all over the city.

Eddie name is mud in the streets why you think he got that bad bodied girlfriend he always filming with? She ain't go no ass and a cheeseburger away from being obese she does have a cute face she not ugly. You would think he could pull a real bad bitch right? The bad bitches in his area ain't checking for him like that. He might be able to fuck but as far as laying up on them living with them for the free? Naw. Salute to those females because they use him for what he is good for.
Eddie is a LAME, effectively. Most male content creators are hustlers. The truth is, many of them are liars. Very few are honest. To survive, their only objective, which is indeed questionable, is to make money by any means necessary. Not saying that any of this is an excuse for dishonesty. That said, If we are to believe your made-for-TV BIOPIC, you messed up & Eddie got into your head. Now you have a vendetta. You’re supposed to have fun, freak off, then move on, not invest in these MFs futures. Some things are better left unsaid.
Eddie is a LAME, effectively. Most male content creators are hustlers. The truth is, many of them are liars. Very few are honest. To survive, their only objective, which is indeed questionable, is to make money by any means necessary. Not saying that any of this is an excuse for dishonesty. That said, If we are to believe your made-for-TV BIOPIC, you messed up & Eddie got into your head. Now you have a vendetta. You’re supposed to have fun, freak off, then move on, not invest in these MFs futures. Some things are better left unsaid.
Facts but I tried to tell em this ain't that thread cuz we don't care bro smh. Like Fr we just here to post & pop shit mfs weird idk :joy:
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Meanwhile @mase27 I went in the vault & found that one where chun-li told him to gtfo her store and don't come back lol. Its @ the very end though :laughing: EddieMallflash.mp4
She said "don't come back" LMFAO

...In this case, I do not blame the store owner. There are few people who like flashing. When you consider that there are families and kids around, it's kind of disgusting.
Facts but I tried to tell em this ain't that thread cuz we don't care bro smh. Like Fr we just here to post & pop shit mfs weird idk :joy:
It's just difficult to understand why people invest in twitter and onlyfans trades or amateur porn stars. The majority of them tell you up front who they are, so it's up to you to decide. It is common for them to be liars, have relationship issues, and use their looks to cope with depression, as I mentioned earlier. Buy a couple of their videos and move on. Don't engage them with banter and promises. No, some ppl want hookups with these guys or buy their funky ass draws for sale. That's how u become a trick.
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