Eduard Martirosyan Tiktoker

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According to his own video, both his parents are Armenian, while his father is half Russian.
Plus he was born in Armenia and has an Armenian last name. So he isn’t from a Russian minority in Armenia at all. Plus I’m Russian myself, and trust me I know how Russians look like.
He's Armenian, damn it. I'm Armenian 100%, out and proud (about being Armo). The kid may identify as Russian because he lives in Russia, or because his family speaks Russian at home, not Armenian. Or because they eat shashlik and blinis instead of khorovadz and mante, but ethnically, racially, genetically... he's Armenian.

The street gymnastics he does to keep 2% body fat, btw, are really popular in Armenian villages. That's their health club because they cant afford LA Fitness let alone have it. It's also a communal activity and a way for guys to attract attention to themselves... sort of like a mating ritual...
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