Englishlads models on onlyfans ?

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Slightly off-pieste, I've spotted at least two models on Australian sites
- Johnny from EL/FYM has done shoots with All Australian Boys
- Bentley Race from EL is the site owner Ben from Bentley Race

In my opinion, we should use this thread as a "where are they now"-type discussion of sorts ... regarding ex-Englishlads models.
Dan James, Carl Mitchell, Aaron Read, Rick Lewis and Tom Lawson would all get an instant subscription from me. Sadly none of them has really done anything outside of the site (Dan James did do a wanking one, under another name, on a boat for Blake Mason I think).
In my opinion, we should use this thread as a "where are they now"-type discussion of sorts ... regarding ex-Englishlads models.
Disappointed to not see much more activity in this thread in the past week. I was just coming back to ask again if anyone has seen Logan Brown, if not on OnlyFans, then maybe on some other platform like an obscure/low-rent porn site performing under another stage name. If anyone has seen him anywhere or later sees him on some other site after reading this message, point me in the right direction; please and thanks in advance.
would all get an instant subscription from me. Sadly none of them has really done anything outside of the site
Such a shame that so many of the best guys from on there disappeared after short-lived pornographic careers. So many of them should still be active and making a killing! What a waste ...

What's even worse is when there were leaks to enjoy in the meantime (for those like me who didn't want to subscribe to that site due to the "issues" over in their department), only to attempt to revisit them after not having re-watched them in several months, only to find them pulled down. Oh well ...
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Here are a few other ELs who are on OnlyFans

Cassias Bradley wazgod
Tom Sutcliffe. HardTomXXX
Deanno. dcbyrne
Jack Appleton. GeordieJaxxxon
Leigh Jones. Billy Essex OF
Danny McCaw daanmk
Finn Loftus FBOYFINN
I really wish Charles Collins would pop up elsewhere. He moved onto a couple of fuck scene on EL but the ownership is mega sketchy so I'm not risking signing up
Yeah Charles is a really hot guy, loved his scene with Mitch.

I know this is going to be a really unpopular opinion, but I have to say I've never had any major issues with the ownership. Most frustrating would be having my account locked any time I'd login when traveling abroad but to be fair that's always been resolved very promptly.

I don't like having to provide ID when signing up, but unfortunately I think that's going to become the norm with all porn sites over the coming years to enforce age restrictions, or whatever other excuse will be used to keep an eye on us.

I really don't like not being able to download videos, but to be fair he'd have probably gone out of business long ago if he didn't lock it down so well. Plus I'd imagine it's a bit of a comfort to models knowing their videos won't end up plastered all over pornhub.

There's a few other things I find a bit weird or cringey, but I have to say, on the whole I've certainly not had any major issues and of all websites over the past decade, this is one of the few I've found myself to keep coming back to. Not that every update would get you excited, but on balance I've always thought that every so often it delivers something really excellent that you just couldn't get anywhere else. I think EL and the owner deserve more credit than they get for that.
Yeah Charles is a really hot guy, loved his scene with Mitch.

I know this is going to be a really unpopular opinion, but I have to say I've never had any major issues with the ownership. Most frustrating would be having my account locked any time I'd login when traveling abroad but to be fair that's always been resolved very promptly.

I don't like having to provide ID when signing up, but unfortunately I think that's going to become the norm with all porn sites over the coming years to enforce age restrictions, or whatever other excuse will be used to keep an eye on us.

I really don't like not being able to download videos, but to be fair he'd have probably gone out of business long ago if he didn't lock it down so well. Plus I'd imagine it's a bit of a comfort to models knowing their videos won't end up plastered all over pornhub.

There's a few other things I find a bit weird or cringey, but I have to say, on the whole I've certainly not had any major issues and of all websites over the past decade, this is one of the few I've found myself to keep coming back to. Not that every update would get you excited, but on balance I've always thought that every so often it delivers something really excellent that you just couldn't get anywhere else. I think EL and the owner deserve more credit than they get for that.
And despite all the negative things, there is one achievement that the owner of EL cannot be praised enough of: He discovered the one and only Tom Lawson, the best guy I have ever seen in porn. He is my perfect 10/10 and will always be.
It's such a shame that he never did any real action scenes and that he stopped doing porn forever.
I really don't like not being able to download videos,
This. It's the reason I'd never sign up. It's just like OnlyFans implementing the DRM on videos this past year. I'm not paying for temporary access to content. I'm paying for content. Period.
EL cannot be praised enough of: He discovered the one and only Tom Lawson.
And this. The man is just a stunning wet dream.
TLawson's solo scene is straight up one of my favorite videos of all time. Cute smile, could easily be an a-lister. Yes he's literally jerking off in the vid and i'm going to sound like a weirdo but sometimes i just watch the interview part bcs i just like looking at him lmao
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