Erection during physical exam

If your US doctor does not do a thorough examination and just relies on blood tests or superficial fully-clothed ones, it is incumbent that you find a new one. Every man should have a hands-on examination of every part of his body, which includes the genitals. How would a young man know if he has a lump in his testicles? YouTube? No, a physician. How would an older man know if he has prostate problems? A PSA test? PSA tests cannot detect hardening of certain areas of the prostate, which might be cancerous or pre-cancerous. No, doctors who refuse to do thorough exams are doing you a disservice and, in the long run, it's YOUR BODY and HEALTH, so take command of it and its care.
I agree with you. I personally think they should have you get naked from the start of the exam, just to give the doctor every chance they can to see something that doesn't look right.
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I'm 59 and my doctor always does hernia and prostate checks. If get a new doctor.
I'm 70 and my PCP does a close exam of my uncut cock, foreskin function, and testicles, as were as hernia and prostate checks. So far, everything's fine. But he usually gets me hard when he does that.
I had a memorable exam recently, one that will I will not ever forget.

Background info: I am in my 40's, work in a unionized, civil service position, and have a severe medical condition that I see specialists for regularly. My condition has worsened lately, as expected, causing me to use a lot of sick time. My specialist doctor regularly supplies my employer with forms that state I am physically able to do all of my job functions.

Well I apparently made the mistake of complaining about stress induced headache at work, that was overheard by my supervisor. The following day when I showed up at work I was informed my employer was not comfortable with my condition, and had me scheduled to see their doctor later that day.
I had a memorable exam recently, one that will I will not ever forget.

Background info: I am in my 40's, work in a unionized, civil service position, and have a severe medical condition that I see specialists for regularly. My condition has worsened lately, as expected, causing me to use a lot of sick time. My specialist doctor regularly supplies my employer with forms that state I am physically able to do all of my job functions.

Well I apparently made the mistake of complaining about stress induced headache at work, that was overheard by my supervisor. The following day when I showed up at work I was informed my employer was not comfortable with my condition, and had me scheduled to see their doctor later that day.
My doctor relies on blood tests for any concerns I have . I have been seeing him for four years now - only time he has seen me nude was when I requested a hernia exam . I had got over Covid, still had a strong cough . Groin pain reminded me of hernia surgeries I had had before . I had strained a muscle , time fixed the problem .
I’ve never popped a boner during a genital exam or the couple times I’ve gotten ultrasounds down there, but I’ve also made sure to jack off the morning before to make sure it doesn’t happen. I also don’t get genital exams very often unless I’m having a problem down there, but I’ll have other aspects of a physical like pressing on my abdomen.
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I went to my handsome urologist for an exam a few years ago before my circumcision and he pulled my long foreskin up to the sky. My cock started throbbing to a monstrous erection and he smiled. His action was a bit weird and he caught me off-guard but at the same time it felt satisfyingly erotic. I wished he helped me produce a sperm sample but he was very professional.
I went to my handsome urologist for an exam a few years ago before my circumcision and he pulled my long foreskin up to the sky. My cock started throbbing to a monstrous erection and he smiled. His action was a bit weird and he caught me off-guard but at the same time it felt satisfyingly erotic. I wished he helped me produce a sperm sample but he was very professional.
Post some pics so we can all see what he saw!!
As far as I know, this is the only scene in a mainstream movie where an erection during a physical exam was implied. Ross Lynch in " My Friend Dahmer."

Ross Lynch Sexy Scene in My Friend Dahmer
And I doubt any doctor would react that way but I guess the movie had to do that to make the implication strong that Dahmer got an erection during his physical exam.
I found it. I wish the dr had let the penis drop at the end, as the model was lengthening slightly. He palpated the shaft on 7 places. Slight overkill?
I've had doctors who palpated the shaft of my penis. One of the better parts of a physical exam.
I had a memorable exam recently, one that will I will not ever forget.

Background info: I am in my 40's, work in a unionized, civil service position, and have a severe medical condition that I see specialists for regularly. My condition has worsened lately, as expected, causing me to use a lot of sick time. My specialist doctor regularly supplies my employer with forms that state I am physically able to do all of my job functions.

Well I apparently made the mistake of complaining about stress induced headache at work, that was overheard by my supervisor. The following day when I showed up at work I was informed my employer was not comfortable with my condition, and had me scheduled to see their doctor later that day.
Not sure why this posted only the first part, but I will retype the short version.

I went to the forced appointment, as I needed to keep my job, more importantly the insurance, and I figured it would get me out of the office for a little bit. As I checked in with the receptionist at a small office building on the campus of a small hospital I assumed based upon the condition and reputation of the facility I would probably be seen by an older doctor who is just trying to make it a few more years before retirement, not unlike the hospital next door.

I was not asked to take a seat in the entryway that apparently doubled as the waiting room, instead noticed the doctor emerge from the break room across the hall. He appeared to be in his late forties or early fifties and looked to be the type that spent most of his time studying and reading. He was not unattractive, but also looked to be the type that could spend their entire lives single and alone. Okay, younger doc, maybe this will be quicker than anticipated I thought, as he escorted me into his office next door, which was also his exam room based upon the exam table on one side of the room.

He had me take a chair at his desk and began asking questions about my health history and job. He was really digging deep, the fact it was obvious I didn't want to be there probably didn't help. After probably well more than 45 minutes of questions and answers I was beyond frustrated, I said "look I have a serious condition, I see a specialist regularly, I may have some mobility issues but I got myself here and work a desk job. I don't see how my condition effects my ability to do my job." He got up from his desk said "fair enough, I'll just do a quick exam and get you on your way." He handed my a gown, told me to change, and said he'd be right back as he left the room.

He was not kidding. I had barely removed my shoes and pants when there was a knock at the door. I tried to reply with "just a minute" but he was already back in the room. I removed my shirt, grabbed the gown and tried to figure out the holes and ties but decided instead to say "I hate these things'" and threw it on the floor. He said "that's fine, it will save time. hop up on the table."

I sat on the edge of the table, in only my boxer briefs and socks still wondering why I would need to put a gown on for a "quick" exam. I would have never expected I would soon find out.

The exam started normal, checking eyes, ears, mouth, throat, and listening to my heart and lungs. He then told me to lay down and pulled the extension from the foot of the table. Once flat on my back he started feeling my abdomen and belly. up to this point everything seemed normal for a regular exam, but then things started to go downhill, or should I say UP. He continued checking my belly, touching, tapping, and listening. I thought nothing of it as his fingers had stayed above my waistband and was not wearing gloves. Then it started. He pulled my waistband down to just barely above the base of my penis and began feeling again he was so close to my penis I could feel I was slowly growing. Then he slid his fingers inside my boxers to check my femoral pulse on both sides, his hand brushed my dick on it's way out and could tell I now had a semi. He walked to his desk to make some notes, I thought we were probably done and that I had escaped popping a full erection, boy was I wrong.

He walked back to the foot of the table and said "we can do most of the rest of the exam right there, just pull off your underwear." " fuck" I thought, but pulled my underwear to my knees and laid back down, I knew my now fully flaccid penis probably wasn't going to stay like that for long. He had turned around to put on gloves, as he turned back around all he said was "all the way off." I removed my boxers, before I could even toss them in the pile of my clothes he start feeling my dick and balls this seemed to last forever, I could feel myself starting to grow. He seemed to be enjoying this and taking his time. Once he fully retracted my foreskin that was it, I was fully hard. "pull your knees up to your chest" as he lubed his finger I could not believe what was about to happen. Sure enough up the hole went the finger. I seriously thought I was going to come when he hit my prostate and probably would have if it had lasted any longer.

After he pulled his finger out he changed his glove and had me stand, turn your head and cough. Then said he needed to see me walk, so across the room I went fully nude and still hard. "okay, you can get dressed"

The worst part was once I was dressed he tells me he was not comfortable sinning my form and I would need my specialist to sign it.

Now that I have taken a medical retirement if this were to happen again I would probably leave an unsolicited semen sample.