I’ve noticed in some forums there’s a few ppl who say untruths or stretch the truth. I’m not even an Eric fan but I’ve followed him for a while. He models a lot with a few of those guys I feel are off putting. But he says he does not have an onlyfans(I’ve checked there isn’t one) so if you sub it ain’t him. Plus he literally does free lives and shirtless Tik toks regularly. Literally he’s almost completely nude on Twitter. I don’t get the need to say “I have nudes of him” when you don’t. And it shows you don’t because instead of dropping one or at least giving details, the person gives vague accounts. “I found them online” “I’ve posted them here”. Like someone said you can see your posts if it was that much to brag about you could just link where you posted it. This is a forum to look at pictures and vids and admire. I don’t get the need to be negative. Like there’s none. I normally don’t say anything but I’ve been to a few forums here and there’s always this group who are being negative or just lying. You don’t know the others in the forum personally so you don’t need to lie. I don’t get it. Like your literally admiring these men. I don’t get the hate or negativity. Not like many don’t know shoot Charlie Matthews, whose a big model, knows the forum is here. Like it’s not that big to just be a good forum member and keep it cute