Erick Barber Theplasticpaddy

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If he wasn’t so homophobic and just a shit person in general, he could probably make enough money to furnish that empty ass house he and his himbo friends have ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
He posted a snap and he was hanging out with a guy wearing this shirt. Is this a brand? It just seems weird in this current climate
I looked it up and the brand seems to be "off white" granted I didn't see this specific shirt
He's honestly so fucking annoying. He constantly says shit like "WeLl wHaT aBoUt MeN" while still perpetuating the same toxic traits within masculinity that causes these problems. He doesn't realize that most of those suicides are gay kids that were bullied. Men don't speak out if they are being abused because they feel society wants them to man up and take it no matter what. Most of the people I've heard say shit like "Women can't rape men" are other men. It's rooted in their outlook on women being inherently lesser than them and therefore not having enough power or strength to force themselves on a man. He constantly complains about the negative affects of patriarchy and yet refuses to address the actual cause of the problem. It's like the most orwellian double think bullshit I've ever seen. He's so unbelievably irritating. He's just another mediocre white guy we've platformed because we found him amusing and now he got a big head.
He's honestly so fucking annoying. He constantly says shit like "WeLl wHaT aBoUt MeN" while still perpetuating the same toxic traits within masculinity that causes these problems. He doesn't realize that most of those suicides are gay kids that were bullied. Men don't speak out if they are being abused because they feel society wants them to man up and take it no matter what. Most of the people I've heard say shit like "Women can't rape men" are other men. It's rooted in their outlook on women being inherently lesser than them and therefore not having enough power or strength to force themselves on a man. He constantly complains about the negative affects of patriarchy and yet refuses to address the actual cause of the problem. It's like the most orwellian double think bullshit I've ever seen. He's so unbelievably irritating. He's just another mediocre white guy we've platformed because we found him amusing and now he got a big head.
I am quaking by the shear truth of this.
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