Ethan Lusby Onlyfans

Am I the only one who noticed in his video today when he called the repair shop he called himself James? So is Ethan a stage name, or just his middle name and that's what he goes by usually?
Might be like for me and have double first names? I only use my second one but in paperwork both will often appear and any company etc might not know which to use?
Am I the only one who noticed in his video today when he called the repair shop he called himself James? So is Ethan a stage name, or just his middle name and that's what he goes by usually?
Its been a long time but i think I vaguely remember him saying Ethan was his middle name when i first started following him 4 years ago.
Hopefully he finds a guy around his own age. I couldn't fathom dating someone that much younger than me. Hooking up is fine but what could they possibly have in common after the sex is over? He seems like a nester so he needs a boyfriend. I wish he'd hang up the traveling thing & get an apartment. Who would want to live like this? Also it's dangerous traveling alone. He's very vulnerable. At least with Austin he was more protected. I feel for him cuz you can tell he's pretty crestfallen. He's getting some big views from this breakup anyway.
I relate more to younger people, because I like current music and culture. I have little in common with older people, especially my age. Plus younger guys like Ethan are hot. ;-) When I was his age, I never was interested in anyone older than 25. lol Oh, to be 25 again...I was so popular and none of my friends could believe all the sex I got. Guys my age and younger would blow me in gym showers (non-gay gyms) all the time. I was surprised none of my friends had such experiences. I'd love to run into Ethan in the showers at a campground. ;-) He seems like a really sweet guy too.
Should we tell him first step to stay warm is to put some clothes on or that would ruin the chance of seeing him naked?
plus he is not shirtless in the video (might have missed it though since I fastscrolled) but he's single and thirsty for coins... ;)