Evan merger

Evan is sexy, and I like his muscles. However, I find his shorts on YouTube to be utterly insufferable, as if he's puffed up on his own self importance and on his way to becoming some kind of half-assed self-help guru. It's a real turn off for me.

Give me Sam Sulek over Evan any day. Sam is more humble and not buying wholesale into his own hype.
Evan is sexy, and I like his muscles. However, I find his shorts on YouTube to be utterly insufferable, as if he's puffed up on his own self importance and on his way to becoming some kind of half-assed self-help guru. It's a real turn off for me.

Give me Sam Sulek over Evan any day. Sam is more humble and not buying wholesale into his own hype.
Maybe not having legs will humble you.