Young Adam?When he was much younger.
Yes. And the woman is Tilda Swinton.Young Adam?
I believe that was the last time he went full frontal nude?Yes. And the woman is Tilda Swinton.
If you ever seen Trainspotting or Velvet know.
aEwan McGregor is so fucking hot and handsome, I absolutely fell in love with him when I saw him in "Moulin Rouge" in 2001and then have seen everything he has ever done. Such a sex god, so adorable, so talented, really one of the best looking men... I know, I know he is married and has like what five kids, but I would be absolutely astonished if he has not had lots of male lovers (like so many famous actors) I love him, his work, everything about him
I saw Pillow Book. Yeech! Peter Greenaway was the director, doing his usual psycho stuff.
As for Ewan's dick, make of this what you will.
no lightsaber giggling aboutLike I predicted, he was shirtless in the newest Kenobi episode, alas not much was shown/visible.
Let's hope for BTS photos