Ex-Fratpad guys, where are they now?

Speaking of asking for videos... Does anybody have some of Payne live shows?
I discovered him way too late, I've been able to see about 5 online, but I wish I could've paid
more attention to him during his fratpad days.

So please if you have some of his shows in the pad, PLEASE share, thanks!
Happy 18 Years to Fratpad! Rest in peace. June 15th, 2006 - September 25th, 2015. Those are the first and last days of active cams, as far as I know.

For some reason I put together this video at some point literally just for me, which is a secret little music video Max and Leo made to Katy Perry's California Gurls in the summer of 2010, included at the end of Max's road trip "antic" uploaded to RocketTube on August 6th, 2010. It made me so happy to find, but while synchronizing the audio for myself (it was off in the original upload) I wanted to put Dylan Brady's crazy bootleg of the song instead of the original. Some fun 2000s Cyberspace meets Gen-Z PC Music, if you will. The text at the beginning is Max apologizing for an abrupt stop in the road trip footage.

(If anyone is interested in the full original video, here is a link to the RocketTube source file:


Be warned though that the audio is increasingly off from the video and I could only sync it manually for myself during playback using Elmedia Player's audio delay. VLC might have a similar feature. Also there's nothing spicy, if that's what you're hoping for, except that he humps some trees I think. Lol.)

Okay happy anniversary, Fratpad.
Max California Gurls.mp4

Max California Gurls.mp4
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