People are acting like Robert Downey Jr just magically came back to success in his career. No. He struggled for years, doing smaller roles and still being made fun of before he got his career back on track after snorting his nostrils away and generally being a crap person. He was the laughing stock of Hollywood for quite some time. Even when he came back to success, they were still making fun of him, including at the Oscars where jokes about his drug-addict, Hollywood crashout lifestyle where still being told. It took a LONG time before Robert Downey Jr got back to any reasonable level of success and respect, or are we just ignoring that?
And if we REALLY want to talk about it, the only reason Downey Jr came back to success and prominence is because he’s a nepo-baby who got an unfair start thanks to his father, had a crap ton of connections in Hollywood, and could easily make a few calls to get his life restarted and his slate wiped clean. The public’s ability to forgive is impressive as long as a person is repackaged well enough. And things didn’t really come back for his overrated ass until he got lucky enough to jump on the Iron Man train.
So, why are we acting like Ezra doesn’t have the same shot? It‘s still a short time since the unproven, unfounded, dismissed allegations. And in that time, they still had a major movie come out, and Ezra is still getting offers and working on their term.
In the same way it took Downey, Jr. time to get back, it will take Ezra time to get back. But I hardly think their career is over just because of this. Because AGAIN, the vast majority of the allegations against them were investigated in multiple states, even with federal agencies taking part in the investigations…and it was all proven to have no merit, to be unsubstantiated, and to have been dismissed. The only thing Ezra was found guilty of was being a violent druggy/drinker on a mental spiral. Which quite frankly isn’t that different from the majority of Hollywood.
it’s not crazy-ass TikToks and unknown blogs from fringe nutjobs that are declaring Ezra innocent. It’s the federal and state legal system that did that.
If anything, it’s crazy-ass TikTok’s and unknown blogs from fringe nutjobs that keep perpetuating the claims against Ezra which was were dismissed as meritless, unsubstantiated, and unproven. Because the legal system in multiple states and on multiple continents found Ezra innocent of nearly everything they were charged with.
Don’t shot me think pieces, Twitter randoms, and bitter forum posters. Show me the legal cases and the prosecution against Ezra. Then we’ll talk. When Ezra is convicted of a crime with legitimate evidence, then we can talk.
Until, then, take a seat.
Also, why are some of you in a thread dedicated to a person you don’t like. It’s so weird. It’s giving personal misery in one‘s day-to-day life which causes one to spread constant venom and nastiness.
This type of angry reaction really establishes that the propagating of this stuff was always out of spite, not justice. Otherwise you'd be happy horrible things turned out to not be true.
Shouldn't you just be happy people weren't actually kidnapped or w/e people on here said for months?
Fucking this!
You would think if these people really cared about the victims and the horrible crimes Ezra was accused of, they would be glad to find out that it wasn’t true.
If they really cared, they wouldn’t based their opinion on some sensationalist hit piece article that didn’t even consult with investigators and authorities. If they truly cared, they would be actually following the case, and they’d see how deeply federal and state investigators probed into it, and determined it was meritless and unsubstantiated. You’d think they‘d be glad to know this stuff didn’t happen.
Instead, they’re just digging their heals in, seemingly hoping to see someone fail and crumble.
Is this really about Ezra, or is this just about miserable people who need to see someone be destroyed for their own sad amusement.