Family teasing


Just Browsing
Oct 23, 2005
ever had a family member "tease" you about your size?, my uncle used to do it a lot, although it was funny, (he would say something to the effect of: I think I'm gonna prostitute you to the ladies, and I'll charge for every inch you have, but the thing is that women will only ask for the base,:redface:), it still got me uncomfortable. Although it gave me a bit of security because I don't think I'm big....
shit man, I suppose is cultural differences, but when I was about 6 I took baths with my uncle and cousin, who where around 10, you know pool things, kid shit, nothing sexual, and apparently my mom and auntt ells me that I was bigger than them, then I started to hear from my uncle (a different one) those kind of remarks when I got 16 or 17...sorry to disturb you
There are plenty of disturbed people here but it's not because of you, Taxidriver. I think you're right about cultural differences. In my family, unfortunately there was zero discussion of sexuality among guys or among anyone, really ... let alone any teasing.
No one in my family has teased me as such, but they have come close by making sly comments:

I BET she likes Mr. Big (Mr. Big is a band I like, it was made to sound like I myself was 'Mr. Big')
Don't scare her away with your python

That's about it, thank fook. Recently though too many family members have been calling me a big boy... (saying 'you're a big boy now'). Maybe its innocent and its just me that has the dirty mind, I dunno. I seem to relate everything to sex :p
Sometimes when a girl was around, someone I didn't know, he would say something, sometimes very disguised and sometimes very blunt, I would get fucking red, and she would laugh and try and look at my crotch