Famous STRAIGHT porn actors doing gay/bi/ts scenes

As far as I know he started to post more gay stuf just yesterday: OnlyFans
could someone upload them here? thankss
So far he hasn’t posted anything new, but he will do a video for you if you pay him. Would love to see more ;)
Emilio Ardana, str8, made some gay scenes. He is Caleb Roca in gay scenes

Ronnie Belladona the other guy on the Lucio Saints masturbstion video is another actor that has crossover to gay porn but only eith Menatplay

There is another spanish actor with a huge cock named Kevin Coto that has done tons of straight porn but some with Transexual and one with a gay likelady boy
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He has gay sex clips on his Onlyfans topping a white guy.

I was curious about him too for years. Too bad now his dick is all pumped up and disgusting looking.

I always wondered what happened to him. I remember someone saying he was living with another black male pornstar and they were in a relationship. They used to always do scenes together(forgot his name) but he was cute. I guess it's not surprising that he sleeps with men, I just didn't expect the pumping. It does look gross.
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Wow, really?! What's the name of the movie?

It was an italian-spanish movie

He first fucked an old lady and on the last scene he fucks 2 ugly trannies

I do not know the name but it was like in 1995