Who knows WTF is going on over there. Credit card payment has been down for ages. They offered another way to pay that required all sorts of maneuvering around through crypto BS. I don't do crypto and I am not starting just to get subscriptions renewed at FansMine. Besides, I heard a number of people griping that even trying the crypto route they were getting screwed in that their crypto accounts were billed but the subscriptions did not go through.
The credit card stuff popped up briefly a few weeks ago and allowed subscription renewal, but then two days later it was gone again. The option came back recently, but when you try to use a credit card it constantly tells you there was an error and nothing went through. So obviously this issue is ongoing. Its been like six freaking months.
Some of the site owners over there have set up Telegram groups (where you can pay through Paypal) to compensate for the massive amount of business they have lost from this BS. A number of others have not set up alternatives and seem to be trying to wait it out to see if it gets fixed. Either way, it has been nonsense. If you have site owners that are using your platform for business and subscribers anxious to view their content, then you make joining/payment as simple as possible, and it should not require a Phi Beta Kappa to traverse through crypto terrain.