
Can anyone ID this hot young man with a big white cock and perky buttocks? He did several farting videos that I've only seen on tumblr (they originated elsewhere) that were deleted. In another, longer video he spoke with a bit of a southern US accent, with a very deep voice and said "wanna smell my butt?"


I fuckin love the finger marks he leaves on his ass.

There's got to be uploads somewhere.
Can anyone ID this hot young man with a big white cock and perky buttocks? He did several farting videos that I've only seen on tumblr (they originated elsewhere) that were deleted. In another, longer video he spoke with a bit of a southern US accent, with a very deep voice and said "wanna smell my butt?"


I fuckin love the finger marks he leaves on his ass.

There's got to be uploads somewhere.
Any update on this guy?