Favorite Military Classified Videos

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Here they are. On a side note, I have also noticed the rise in requests for Rob’s cuts, and feel kinda to blame for that. :/ Another side note, Rob’s most recent remaster of Scott 3 has 12 minutes of unreleased footage, absolutely criminal. And before anyone asks, no I don’t have it. :p
absolutely makin us thirsting even more lol, thanks for the vid
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Has anyone noticed that Shawn is sporting two different hair styles in his video?

In the first half his hair is normal ...

SHAWN Navy blowjob - frame at 6m31s.jpg

... but towards the end his hair become spiky

SHAWN Navy blowjob - frame at 13m0s.jpg

It seems Rob merged two video shoots into into one.

Also I haven't seen the part where he is being blown standing up

I have the extended cut but it does not include that scene. I'm guessing it must be from the (possible) second shoot he did because of the hair.