
Legendary Member
Apr 29, 2017
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Just a small note this is my first story on here, while it is rather short, I wanted to test the waters and get some feedback before I continue. I apologize for any spelling or grammar errors.

Part 1

I laid on the bed wearing nothing but a pair of snug briefs. I kept my eyes focused on the ceiling, Dev was moving around getting ready. I dare not look, not wanting to break our little ritual and potentially spoil things. Tonight we would be taking our relationship to the next level. Not sexually, that ship had set sail long ago. Our sex life was the stuff gay dreams were made of and you will soon see why.


I did not lower my eyes to look. Though I seemed calm we both knew my heart was beating out of my chest. But I was determined, I had to do this for us, for our future.

“Yeah babe.”

“I’m all set. How about you?”

I finally lowered my eyes to look at him. Dev stood at the foot of the bed. At six-foot seven he towered over my smaller form, his skin a rich chocolate color that was unbelievably smooth thanks to the lotions he used. His hair black and long enough that his curls were starting to show begged to be felt and caressed by my needy finger. His dark brown eyes seemed almost black in the low light of our room, but when exposed to light you could see the rich color that drew you in because of their richness and the warmth they radiated. His hands were behind his head, not in a pose but flexing his biceps, and stretching his hips giving me a delicious view of his muscles as they tensed and the hair of his pits.

Dev was hot. I say that not because he is the man I love but because it is a simple fact. He is the kind of guy who always has eyes on him, I’ve even caught people do double takes when they look at him, some would stare and gawk till he looked at them or they saw me grinning at their reaction. Though a few brave ones did wink or blow him a kiss.

There had been times when someone stealthy took out their phones and would record him, which was where I drew a line and was not afraid to call them out for such invasive behavior. Got to place some limits after all.

“Yeah,” I finally responded, “just nervous is all.”

He smiled and some of the tension left that body. I sometimes wondered if he had some magic power to just help people with calm and confidant with just a look. His eyes were just so honest and beautiful all I needed was for him to look at me and I could feel invigorated.

“You remember the rules right?” he asked.

He always asked before we would begin. Always made sure I didn’t get lost or distracted so when we did our therapy I would know what I needed in case my fear took over. I already knew the rules by heart, but it helped me focus to go over them with him.

“Take deep breaths, never try to be brave. If I feel uncomfortable let you know. If I want you to continue or go further let you know.”

“And the safe words?”

“Red means stop, yellow means slow, green means keep going.”

He nodded in approval. “Let's begin.”

He began to move around the bed, never taking his eyes off me, his eyes still had their warmth but there was now a heat in them with a mixture of caution. His movements were slow and steady, I ignored how his body was moving smoothly with no stride. A small pause and the sound of movement I desperately ignored and he began to move again with the same pace.

You’d think we were getting ready for some super sexy fun, but this was actually bed time. Well a little bit of exposure therapy with bed time rolled in. We have been doing this for a while now, after I got the idea from some people in my group who had similar issues that I had.

See the issue wasn’t that I wasn’t attracted to Dev, no quit the opposite, I truly loved him. Loved when he wrapped his arms around me when we watched TV. Loved using him as a Pillow when he was doing his online games and chuckling when he would curse in frustration. Loved him for being kind and protective and generous and God I could go on and on why I love him.

Hell I am sure you can think of a reason why I love him and chances are you’d be right. Dev truly was the guy you want. Good looking, personality, brains, heart. He made me feel like I was at the center of the universe and treated me like a little prince.

When we first started going out, I had to overcome a lot of insecurities. I’m not ugly, I’m just super….plain. I’m the guy with a face you never recall, the one who fits into a crowd, that background character you have seen in like a dozen TV shows. It seemed inconceivable that a guy who looked like he was a Bollywood star of a million romantic films would be with someone like me. I was always afraid he would tire of me and find someone better looking or more interesting, hell there had been times when we were out at clubs and girls would hit on him and when they found out I was his boyfriend they straight up asked me how I managed to land such a stud.

That might sound like a compliment but when someone is staring at you with bulging eyes and pulling at their hair it is more of an insult.

But I had long since expelled those feelings of inadequacy. Dev was with me because he wanted to be with me. Because he loved me to. Loved me enough to tell me his big secret. Dev isn’t human.

Dev began to rise up into the air, the skin below his treasure trail began to change. I quickly moved my eyes back to the ceiling, even when I felt him lay next to me and his lower body began to fill the bed I dared not look to see.

Dev isn’t human. But this isn’t the story of a guy falling in love with a century's old sullen vampire of some alpha werewolf or some fairy prince from another world, or a fallen angel or a demon or alien or any of that. Yes I realize I like a specific genre of media so sue me!

Dev isn’t any of those, though the closest would be a werewolf. Unfortunately there was nothing wolfish about him. As his tail finally pulled itself up onto the bed I shuddered at the feel of scales against my bare flesh, my hand gripped his tightly.

“Tell me how to proceed,” he said softly.

I turned to look at this man I loved. The eyes I loved so much filled with warmth and concern.

“Yellow,” I responded.

He nodded in understand and kissed the tip of my nose.

My eyes traveled past his face, down the curved of his body to his lower waist where human flesh met serpent scaled. Where there should have been two legs there was only a massive tail, some of which now lay on my lower legs.

Dev isn’t human, what he is has many names. Serpent Man, Naga, but if you want to be really literal then you can him a weresnake. And the great tragedy of this is that I have ophidophobia; a fear of snakes.

Talk about a fucking joke.