Feeling Sudden Urge to Come Out


Loved Member
Platinum Gold
Dec 29, 2011
I am a 30 year old man, and have known I was sexually attracted to men for quite some time. The more I have grown over the years, the more I realize I really just love pleasing men, women, and anyone really. I thought I was gay for a long time, but after a couple of hookups with guys this past weekend (knock the cobwebs off) I think I am firmly in the “bi” category. Probably 65/35 gay straight.

I have no clue why, but in the last few weeks, I’ve had this sudden urge to come out to my family. We aren’t a super tight knit family, and for most of my life I really just thought this was a secret I would live with forever.

I guess my question is, with this limited info, and not really even knowing me - should I?
It reminds me a lot of my story. I thought I could keep my bisexuality secret forever but one day you realise that there is no shame and that you have the right to live as you want.
I don’t really like to talk about “coming out” but if you want to tell anybody, you should feel completely ready and not forced to. But you are definitely going to feel lighter after.
Only if you don't need them for anything.
Also-- only if this will actually come up in the relationships they will encounter.
Ex., if you exclusively date women and only bring them around.
But then again..An angry ex/person would love nothing more than to out any man. Esp if they are perceived as being heterosexual.....Ya maybe its best to come out.
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I’ve been out since I was a teenager. I felt I had to because I did t want to hide the fact that I had a boyfriend from my parents and they knew that I’d had girlfriends in the past.
Coming out is some ting you should do for yourself and when you feel ready. There is no shame in not coming out as there is none in coming out too