You do care! That's why your posting the pics as your proof. Personally I'm not interested if your hooking up with him for the first time or habitually. What I want to know is why are you on here talking about it?. It seems like you want to FLEX and get admiration and envy from people who you don't even know you or who care enough to care what you do with him lol. In the end non of this surprises me.
These male content creators swear up and down to whatever god they believe in and back that their straight and as soon as they feel the pinch in the pocket, see other dudes doing it and not getting judgement or flack. They ready to have sex with a guy. Felix is just another among a very many. That say 1 thing and eventually doing something else lol. He's probably bottoming too. (Brilliant!)
Lastly I'm sure if Felix wanted his audience to know he's gay escorting, he would have made it known on his profiles which I'm sure his religious followers would have been spilt the British breakfast tea by now. And me personally i am never paying anybody for sex PERIOD! If we linking its because you find me attractive not because of money especially not for no 1000 Pounds! (I hope his performance with you is better than that of his studio production scenes) But really have fun and enjoy!