Never found any physical porn like a magazine, but have found a decent amount of stuff over the years:
- I found out (by accident) that my dad was not the best at clearing out his browser history on the computer he uses. Ever since the first discovery, every so often when I'm home I'll get on his computer and check through his history to see what he's looking at. I took a few screenshots of his history which I still have if anyone would be interested in that. Basically found out that my dad is really into creampies, anal, and step-son/step-mom. Definitely did not expect the last one.
- One time he left his emails open and I saw he had an email order receipt from Adam & Eve. Kind of forgot about it for a while, then one day I was in my parents' room trying to find something in his closet that he said I could borrow. I found a bag that packages are sent in and pulled it out, curious what it was. Turns out it was the purchases he got. It included a beginner's bondage set, an eye mask, a feather duster, and anal numbing cream. There was more in there but I can't quite remember it all. I am currently house sitting for them and I'm going to see if I can find it again.
- Admittedly I was snooping around in my parents' bedroom, I wasn't really looking for anything intentional but seeing if there was anything sexual. They have a bed with a custom headboard/storage shelves. There are open cubbies on the sides with a cupboard at the bottom, and above where their pills are are two more cupboards that open up. I opened the one on my dad's side of the bed and saw a hand towel in there. Thought nothing of it when I first found it. A few days later I remembered it was there and was like "huh, that's weird, why would that be there?" I went into their room again (dad wasn't home, mom was outside doing yardwork) and pulled it out. Turns out I found my dad's cum rag.