finding out you’re big


Loved Member
Mar 4, 2023
Rome, Lazio, Italy
80% Straight, 20% Gay
I don’t know if it’s just me, but I found out quite late that I was hung. The first sexual encounters I had were with virgin girls mostly and so I was never 100% sure it was true when they told me I was hung. I did lots of sports growing up and I do remember my teammates calling my dick chubby, but nevertheless, we never saw each other hard, so I just thought I had a large soft penis then I started camming and showing off to guys and that’s when I knew for sure I was hung. It wasn’t until I was 25-26 years old. Does anyone share this type of story?
For me, home internet didn't exist until I was in college. I didn't do team sports in school, and nobody used the showers in gym class. With my Asperger's, there wasn't much sex either. Most porn, guys looked "normal" to me, some even seemed small.

I started going to the gym regularly when I was in my mid 20s. I'd go with a coworker before work. He seemed quite "normal" in size to me, actually he was a little smaller than me, but not much. I remember thinking "I thought black guys were supposed to be huge".

One day I had went to the gym alone, and a guy in the shower told me mine was the biggest he's ever seen. He was looking for some action in the sauna earlier so I figured he was throwing out complements to get me to say yes.

So, I didn't have any idea how big I was until my late 20s, then I knew I was big, but wasn't until a few years ago that I knew exactly how "big" it was.
Always thought I was avg and the gals were just being kind by telling me I was big. When I lost my virginity to an older gal- she was late 20s I as 19- she gasped abs went down on me then told me she wanted to ride me. she didnt know that i was a virgin but I recall how tight and warm she felt. I always thought that most girls were tight.

It was once I starter to mess around wirh dudes, that I realized that I have a Big thick dick!
For my boyfriend, it was when he lost his virginity to a married woman and her reaction when she saw it was “holy shit you have a big dick” and her telling him that he was bigger than her husband.
Looking for info on spicing things up and found this site. Then found out I was hung. I'm in my late 40's :)

How? My wife is my only partner and she has had limited, lucky experience before me. She told me I was above average - but neither of us knew I sat in the top 4-5% range. The psychological impact has been significant. My golf game has even improved as I've mentioned elsewhere.

I'm not sure if I really want to relive my life knowing how big I am. I'm in a great space and I fear knowing I had a large cock would risk the chances of being here. There are many occasions where things would have worked out very differently :)
I found out in my early 30s. The first couple of girls I was sexually active with in early high school either said I was huge or had a wide-eyed intro to seeing it, but as we were all young I figured they were just inexperienced and any dick would seem huge to a high school girl about to embark in sex.

Then I started dating a girl in junior year that I ended up being with until we divorced in our early 30s. She was a virgin when we started dating and was tiny and athletic with a very tight vagina, so when we had issues during enthusiastic sex, though I was turned on by feeling big for her, I figured it was because she was so small. She never said anything about me being big, even though she could give me oral sex with both hand and her mouth working my dick.

We had no idea that was unusual. Internet was just coming on when we were in college, and even then it was a while before regular (and reasonable speed) internet was available at home on a student's budget, so the only porn references I had were magazines and the occasional VHS. And she had no interest in it so she never saw any. I thought most actors were average size, as I was as big or bigger than many, maybe even most. I thought the ones I now know as ridiculously large were why porn actors had the reputation of being guys with big dicks. And because porn was hard to come by I didn't see a ton of the giants.

When I got divorced in about 2003 I started making up for lost time and started internet dating, (and dating and dating...) and by this point age-appropriate women were much sexually experienced, and becasue of our age, many were recently divorced. All of the sudden I start hearing over and over how huge they thought I was, and I had several women become regular sex partners because they were turned on by it. I had all the comments that guys dream about, like how they loved how much I filled them up, how much bigger I was than the previous guys, how they loved the pleasure/discomfort and how turned on they were by my big dick.

I even had one regular partner, who I dated off and on (with lots of drama) for almost a year and a half tell me she kept coming back because of my big dick and the great sex. She once told me while we were fucking that sometimes my big dick scared her, and she couldn't believe how much that turned her on.

As we all know, these days people are confused by porn as to what a really big dick is compared to what the average out there seems to be. I'm a solid 7.75-8 x 6-6.25, depending on the day. Perhaps typical for around here, but really big compared to the average.

Now not to say I'm enormous, especially not compared to some guys here or out there on the internet. I dated this really hot former fitness competitor who had some trouble accommodating me (according to her deep penetration was painful because her uterus was retroverted which led to her cervix position being in the line of fire) who told me she loved my cock because it was "nice and thick, but at least I wasn't huge, especially not too long." Obviously she had been with some really big guys. By that time I was pretty confident about having a big dick, so it was nice to hear I was pleasing for her as long as I didnt go too deep in some positions.

I also had a FWB who loved my cock but told me she had been with a guy who was a legitimate 9". And I believed her because she is a hospital nurse who sees a lot of dicks and is the type to measure in a way that is reasonable. Plus she thought I was big at around 8" and she was confident that the 9 incher was bigger.

So while I wasn't hung up about it, the feedback felt real after it happened pretty regularly with new partners, and although I never made it a big deal in my mind, it didn't take long for me to feel pretty confident about my dick, and during my run as a single guy I had a run of about 4 or 5 years of lots of great sex with some amazing women where they often brought it up.

Some fun stories:

There were several women in their late 30's or early 40s that used me to get their groove back. A couple of them were completely overt about wanting to fuck me because they loved my big dick and had no interest in a serious relationship. Two that come to mind were just divorced and wanting to live out fantasies about sex with a hung guy. The first time I had sex with one of them she moaned and fidgeted while we were fucking and said over and over that I was too big. It was uncomfortable. Her ex-husband was so much smaller. Then she came and came, all while telling me I was too big. After we were done and were saying goodnight she asked me when I was available to fuck her some more.

Another seemed to be trying to live out a suppressed fantasy about being a pornstar. I had sent her some pics in my underwear while we were flirt texting back and forth and she couldn't wait to get back to my place from the bar where we met the first time. She kept telling me she couldn't wait to fuck my huge cock and once we got back to my pace and got started it was like we were on set. She was going on and on about my huge, thick cock and gave the sloppiest, noisiest blowjob I've ever gotten. We fucked and fucked, going on all night, and she wouldn't stop screaming about my huge cock making her come. For a brief time we met up a bunch and afterward each night together she would send me emails and leave VM's afterwards talking about how sore she was from my big cock, how she was telling all her friends about this stud with a huge dick that she was fucking and she couldn't wait for me to fuck her sore again.

I met a different sexy, recently divorced lady for a first date at a bar and she was already pretty tipsy when I got there. We hit it off and after a couple of drinks were dancing and getting hotter and hotter. Without asking, while we were grinding on the dance floor, she grabbed my cock and she gasped and with her wide eyes she said the magic words: "Oh my god! You are fucking huge!" It went on from there until the bar closed where she couldnt keep her hands off of me and we were going at it pretty hard in the club. Unfortunately (or maybe fortunately) she kept drinking and got so drunk that the night made a wrong turn and I ended up having her stay at my place (because I was a short cab ride away her place was way out in the burbs) but I staying hands off because she was in no shape to consent. She got so sloppy and a bit crazy that night I decided to politely beg off a second date so we never actually had sex.

I also had a short relationship with a super hot lady in her late 30's. She was a high end corporate professional who showed up on our second date dressed like a hooker and when I took her back to my place she kind of gasped when she saw my cock and said, "Oh, I knew you were special!" Man, she was amazing. Turns out she was a secret swinger and wanted to bring me to some parties. She thought my cock would be a lot of fun to share. She told me "You'll be a big hit. The women will all want to fuck your huge dick."

The wonderful twist is once my wild oats were good and sown, I met an amazing woman who I fell head over heels in love with. By some random stroke of fate she was very inexperienced, and though drop-dead gorgeous (legitimately 6 feet tall and built like an athletic runway model) was a virgin when we met. She was just conservative about sex and relationships growing up, and in school was a two sport varsity college athlete that went on to get a science PhD, so she was so driven that she only ever went on a few dates and never really had a boyfriend after high school. She decided once she finished her academic career that she wanted to find the right guy, and that's when we met. I was pretty open about my past and she didn't mind at all that I was experienced.

And although sometimes, even to this day, during sex a deep thrust has her wince when the angle is wrong (as a six foot tall, slender woman she happens to have a matching long, slender vagina--perfect!), she has no idea that I've been considered big, or even huge, by many, if not most of the women I've been with. So once again I'm in a marriage where my cock is appreciated because it pleases her but she doesn't have any idea that compared to average, I have a big dick.

And that's ok with me :)
This was asked in the "Ask a Man" section, and here is my response:

In my locker room and gym experiences throughout my entire life, everyone was average, as everyone was always flaccid. Looong before the internet, and even VHS movies to watch on VCRs, the only way to watch porn was in adult theaters, or by buying hardcore magazines. Back in the 1970s and 1980s, there was actually a wide variety in porn actor sizes, with John Holmes and Ron Jeremy being the ones that stood out as being huge. But even the average to smaller porn guys looked huge on the big screens!

When reading Penthouse Forum and Penthouse Letters, all the guys described themselves as being 8, 9, or 10 inches long, so that was 'big' to me.

In the early days of the internet, one of the penis size research surveys was published online which has average size being between 5 and 6.5 inches. Some other studies said 5 to 7 inches was average. At a solid 7 inches long, I thought I was average to the high end of average. Most of these early studies didn't have girth numbers, but when those were finally published, it confirmed what every woman has told me as a compliment - "You're thick!" "Huge!", "Big!"

Real world:
When I became sexually intimate for the first time (18+) she said I was huge. I found out later that she had ~30 men before me, so when she kept commenting on my large erections, I believed her. Because of her experience, my time with her was invaluable in building my sexual skills and confidence. When she told me I was one of only a very small handful of men to give her orgasms, that was a huge ego boost. But in that case it wasn't my dick, but my mouth, lips and tongue that drove her to explosive orgasms.

When the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, etc. women I was with all also commented on my size, it did give me confirmation of my larger size, and the confidence that I could please them (and I did! and still do!)
shredding condoms about age 20. before large condoms were made I think. luckily, most gals were on the pill, and were seeking big cock. lucky me.

Even the large condoms are not that large. They're just branded so average+ sized men gets their ego boost even tho they're not that big. My honest girth is 5.5 inches and I never thought of it being that big but turned out I need to buy special condoms (MySize), cos even Magnum´s are too small
Even the large condoms are not that large. They're just branded so average+ sized men gets their ego boost even tho they're not that big. My honest girth is 5.5 inches and I never thought of it being that big but turned out I need to buy special condoms (MySize), cos even Magnum´s are too small
Mate, I spent decades squeezing my cock into normal sized condoms just thinking that's how they worked and felt. My poor head looked like an amateur bank robber... Such an idiot :)
Mate, I spent decades squeezing my cock into normal sized condoms just thinking that's how they worked and felt. My poor head looked like an amateur bank robber... Such an idiot :)

hahaha same! Thought that was the reason why people didn't wear condoms. Because it fucking hurt! But now when I've ordered especially big condoms online they finally fit and I can enjoy safe sex
Mate, I spent decades squeezing my cock into normal sized condoms just thinking that's how they worked and felt. My poor head looked like an amateur bank robber... Such an idiot :)
My first time I couldn’t get to enter the girl’s pussy cause I had to squeeze my dick into an average size condom and cause it to get soft. Thought it was my issue, then I stole some Large ones and they were perfect and I stayed super hard
Even the large condoms are not that large. They're just branded so average+ sized men gets their ego boost even tho they're not that big. My honest girth is 5.5 inches and I never thought of it being that big but turned out I need to buy special condoms (MySize), cos even Magnum´s are too small
I have a 6 inch girth and had no problem using regular condoms hundreds of times. Only the 'snugger fit' and some Japanese brands in a sample pack I got were to small to use comfortably. Once Lifestyles XL and Magnums came out, the fit was better, the Lifestyles condoms seem to have more stretch to them so those were my preferred ones until ... the MyFit condoms were introduced, they fit me absolutely perfectly with their widest condom.
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I have a 6 inch girth and had no problem using regular condoms hundreds of times. Only the 'snugger fit' and some Japanese brands in a sample pack I got were to small to use comfortably. Once Lifestyles XL and Magnums came out, the fit was better, the Lifestyles condoms seem to have more stretch to them so those were my preferred ones until ... the MyFit condoms were introduced, they fit me absolutely perfectly with their widest condom.

Hm... doesn't quite make sense if you have a 6 inches girth. In this article it says how to find the right condom size: How to (Easily) Determine the Right Condom Size

To get those flat width measurements, use a soft tape measure and wrap it around the thickest part of the shaft when it’s hard. Divide this number by 2.25 to get the width. Multiply this number by 25.4 to convert it to millimeters. (You can also use a string or strip of paper and lie it on a standard ruler to get the measurement.)

For example: Let’s pretend your partner has a width of 5”. Here’s the math: 5” / 2.25 = 2.22”. 2.22 x 25.4 = 56mm

For me who has a girth that's 5.5 inches I would need a condom that's 61mm + . And if you're 6 inches you would need a condom that's 66mm +

Magnum XL condoms are only 58 mm so neither you or I should be feeling comfortable wearing them.
Being born in the 60s and at school in the 80s, there was no internet. Some other guys commented I was bigger than them in the showers after football. But I didn't really realise I was big until I (nearly) lost my cherry. She was my age but far more experienced. She told me I was much bigger than her boyfriend, then I couldn't get the damn thing in her. She said it was too big and I just got a hand job. But she then told all her friends I had a big dick. Things looked up from that point.
I had a straight friend stay the night and crashed in my bed with me. He reached out and accidentally felt my bulge and was like “wait is that you?” And i was like “yeah” lol. He then pantsed me in the changing room for drumline in front of everyone and the word spread pretty quick haha. Everyone called me King Richard

I got asked to whip it out a lot in college after that lol
My second college girlfriend, while lying in bed after having sex for the first time, said she was sore with a smile. When I asked if I had been too rough she smiled and said something to the effect, "It's not that--I'm just not used to someone with your size". When I expressed surprise at hearing this she laughed and said--"you really don't know you have a big dick?" I remember letting her know that I was happy with my size and had never really questioned it, but thought of myself as average to which she said-"No, you have a huge dick" and something later like, "You don't notice how when I give you a blowjob I have to use my hands as well?" saying, "You know that's not normal right?". And how she felt bad she could not get it all in during sex.

I remember not thinking much of it until future partners confirmed it as well.
I didn't really find out until later on in life. I'm mid-40's now and I only had an inkling in my 30's that it might be slightly bigger than average because of some reactions from girlfriends, but as you do - I thought it was just politeness from them and "I should be so lucky" type of thing and sort of just dismissed it. None of my earlier girlfriends ever said a thing about it.

Like others have said, internet didn't really exist for me until my 20's so there was literally no porn until then other than dodgy ruined magazines found in the woods near my house. Then when I did eventually find porn, I think I damaged my opinion of myself by watching big dick pornstars.

My wife seems to have been a lucky girl and has had quite a few big ones, but I think this has warped her understanding of how big the average dick is. However, she did start telling me I had a big dick which made me curious and I started to believe. The odd comments on my size from mates at the urinals only added to my curiosity.

Then I found The Visualizer website and learned how to measure it properly around about the same time that the wife had started using a tailors tape for something and stored it in her socks drawer. Never measured it before, so I gave it a go probably around 5 or 6 years ago and I was surprised at what it said. About 7.7 long and 5.8 girth - over 6 at the base. Sometimes 6 inches soft on a warm day. 136% larger than the average in volume (or something like that). So, more than twice the size of the average dick when you look at it that way. I'm still trying to accept that it is actually big even now, and only started joining in on this forum a few months back.

Even finding out things on here like the fact the blow-jobs normally can't accommodate both a hand and a mouth at the same time feels like news to me, as that's what I'm used to. Or realising that two handed wanks are not normal.

Now I know why I get all the funny faces when I'm pushing it inside her. lol.
Hm... doesn't quite make sense if you have a 6 inches girth. In this article it says how to find the right condom size:
For me who has a girth that's 5.5 inches I would need a condom that's 61mm + . And if you're 6 inches you would need a condom that's 66mm +

Magnum XL condoms are only 58 mm so neither you or I should be feeling comfortable wearing them.
I know perfectly well how to measure myself and I have used condoms in the past many, many hundreds of times (~700+) so I know exactly what condoms fit well and what ones did not. All latex condoms stretch, even a 'slim fit' condom can be stretched to go over a 2 liter soda bottle. I was perfectly comfortable with whatever size the largest width They-Fit condom had at the time (circa 2000?)

Like I said, I used Magnums, Lifestyles XL, and Magnum XL all with no issues at all, hundreds of times. The They-Fit condoms were the widest and went on the easiest, but I used the others I mentioned without feeling uncomfortable or constrained in any way. As I said, before larger sizes were available, I used 'regular' sized condoms many hundreds of times. Maybe I was so horny and so glad to be having sex that a tiny bit of snugness wasn't enough to keep me from fucking that pussy good! :D

Oh, and to put this back on track, for our entire relationship and marriage, my wife has commented and complemented me on my magnificent penis and how it feels inside her. I her case, I have the largest penis she has ever experienced and I am the best lover she has ever had (which has nothing to do with penis size)
  • Haha
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