I was exposed to porn way way way too early tbh (late millenial with extensive unsupervised computer use), and most of the earliest pornstars I've seen are completely nameless to me, nor did I know to seek out particular people since it was all so tantalising for me. The first name I remember is Daniel Marvin from MenAtPlay. I think his jawline, pecs, and abs were what got me HOOKED.
I think he entered the porn industry with his then partner Pedro Andreas.
And Pedro himself has a delicious cock, sometimes literally.
They worked with different scene partners, one of whom catch my eye and helped me discover a new "type" of men I'm attracted to *Cockslut Daddy* - Ross Hurston, who most iconically drank straight off the milkman Matt Hughes' giant tap (Danny D).
He led me to thirst after Raphael Alencar's gorgeous brown cock *Brazillian Anaconda*.
And led me to Harry Louis *Coke Can Cumhose*.
The origin story of my impossibly deepseated porn addiction obviously doesn't stop here, but I can only upload 10 media per post, so.