He mustn't talk about fashion, because he shouldn't wear clothes. So fucking hot!!!This stud wants to show you his
My god…. if this isn’t perfection then I don’t know what is….
His YouTube channel is pretty good if you’re into fitness and fashion:
THANK YOU SO MUCH! I follow him on insta and would die to see his body. You can tell he's powerful, big, and has a great ass. So fucking hot. And his brother is very similar.what do you guys think bout him? he's kinda odd yet that makes him even more appealing to me. one of those goofy urban kind of guys/dads, yet so fucking sexy. i love the lil tease he does showing off his cock hairs...i wish he would show more and his bulge..so sexy
Bro, a little muscle nugget is a delicacy that I have had yet to ruin. Thanks for the share, babe.
my dream job ...and it stopped just before he turned around.mystery bodybuilder tanning pre show
look like martin rogers https://twitter.com/_MartinRogersAnyone know who this is?
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bless you dear