Things have changed over time and that's really not quite accurate anymore.
There is no longer a "Do Not Post" list and things don't get automatically removed anymore. The individual (or their agent) needs to send a DMCA request for each item that gets removed every single time, though I expect they can request multiple things in a single request. I don't believe they can ask for "everything" to get removed anymore.
I believe there are exceptions, like the old Jesse Williams thread, as I suspect that the Take Me Out lawyers contacted LPSG, which escalated things beyond the normal.
Unless the mods have said "don't post any more images", you're not going to get banned for a first offense. They have their points system. If you repost to the same thread, they probably escalate the punishment. Eventually you will get banned, but the first time, for just a day. Again, escalating until finally a permanent ban. I don't know the exact specifics, just the generalities they've posted around the threads.
On Edit:
The rules (or maybe it was the terms) that used to talk about the point system. I just checked them and none of that is in there any longer. So some things may have changed, again.