For the people who are against gay4pay

I’ve been asked if I’d be in a relationship with a bi guy and he was dating a woman….. I said sure.. as long as I was the only guy he was with and didn’t want me to have sex with him and her together..

But then I wouldn’t rule that out either as if wanted to fuck her in both holes then sure..

I just don’t think I am better for any reason.. I like to think and treat everyone I know as equal
I think politics and anything negative from the government point of view and religious .. shouldn’t be posted here.. if you want to make this about politics and religion then find a site that allows it

I come here to chat about my sexual preference and my past and fantasies and so on.. not to listen to a bunch of trump supporters that think gay and bisexuals need to leave the USA so as one guy posted on another site that he wanted a straight America ..

I think rules should be made that politics and religion not allowed on here unless you create a subject / thread and put in it that can post them in that topic

I’ve never cared about what others think of my sexual presences or my activities and I am not about to worry about

Would you care if it affected your material conditions? Or end up in jail or socially ostracized?

I am sorry about the way people think about the straight - gay - bi line .. sexual things that we say we will or won’t do is a thin line

I have always known I like guys but I have also been with few women .. so people “ label” me as bisexual .. which is fine

I see sex as something to do whenever feel like it.. I do things sometimes .. because I am in the mood some times and not others

I won’t sit here say we all paid for sex or been paid .. ( or both) but if I were to pay a straight guy 500 to 1000 bucks to let me suck his dick and rim his ass then it’s his body and my money

Not all straight men can be bought But once bought they may return to do it again and again but then I wouldn’t pay as much unless some fucking we’re to occur then

After so many times it’s not gay for pay.. but if the site and the guys that pay for it or get paid for it is up to them

Too many people worry about this stuff .. when just worry about what they do in their homes is what should be doing..

This isn't about politics. First, I'm not concerned about American politics. I'm more interested in the cultural war and the dynamics of the dating market. This begs the question of how society would respond if they viewed homosexuality as a social contagion.

SmallTeaPlant, you and I have talked about this numerous times already.

While my "opposing side" is chastising and accusing homoflexibles and gay experimenters (in porn, of all places) of being the "ruin of gay men", what it ("opposing" side) has completely disregarded time and again is the fact that many of us homoflexibles, bisexuals, transexuals, pansexuals, etc. have also lived through the same painful historic struggle as you did; to gain rights and to spread awareness. (Some of us even went through the tried-and-failed ex-gay conversion processes ourselves! Just as much as 100% gays did.)

We share every bit in your stress and negative impact when something hurts our LGBT rights or sets us back.

What makes it completely difficult for us is when you focus so much on political image, you become single-mindedly obsessed with trivial things that shouldn't matter (specifically, gay guys who proudly announce that they are self-acceptingly gay, couldn't be happier than to be gay, but also are confident in themselves enough to experiment with women... in porn... of all places...); and use those as some excuse to cast us aside. All you've done is created disunity and aggravated our divide. By pointing fingers at us, you've ultimately exacerbated the very issue you were meaning to alleviate.

I agree that complaining about bisexuality in porn is silly. My motives aren't just solely political image. I decided to let this play come to its conclusion. While I care about politics, I am more interested in answering my questions. Besides, I think that human sexuality is more complex than simply gay, straight, or bi. My question is how society or the general populace will deal with non-reproductive sexualities like homosexuality, transsexuality, and bisexuality.

When bisexuals and homoflexibles giving the false impression and hope to homophobes that we can change straight, who owns the burden of responsibility? Us (bi's and flexibles), or people who have been given resources and simply chose not to know better? Who should you really be concerned about?

Honey, the responsibility will always be on the bisexuals and homoflexibles. My concern is what limits heterosexuals will tolerate us.
The guy up thread said, “All it takes is the right woman” for him to fuck her, which is exactly the narrative that straight people believe about all gay men.

Thanks for nothing, bisexuals and homoflexibles.
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