They should all start a class action lawsuit with 90% of the gay porn performers. How dare they cater for every spectrum of sexuality!
I bought a Ricky Martin CD back in the day, but only because I thought there was a possibility he would fuck me. I'm phoning my lawyer right now
You sound ridiculous. I didn’t want to respond to this but alas I did. Even just to say how silly this comment is. Get a life, homophobe.
If you didn't want to discuss, why quote me originally?
You're right, it's completely feasible that this man has faked his sexuality and sexual preferences online, through porn and social media for
20 years, just to get a few extra pink dollars from an extremely niche and unhinged group of gay people who feel personally victimised by this complete nothing burger of an issue. He's probably laughing to himself every time he takes a cock in his ass, thinking off all those delicious gay dollars he'll make faking his sexuality. It would be ridiculous and homophobic to assume otherwise.
He would also have to be one of the worst businessman ever, considering the real grift success story is pretending to be
straight and gay baiting for dollars.
Has he been transvestigated yet? Are we sure it's
really his cock? I'm now questioning everything
Certain rainbow letters are always trying to police how Gay Men feel. Always.
Which letters would those be? Speak up, at least stand by your convictions
Straight people are the ones policing everything. Leave the rainbow out of the conversation.
Seems like the gays are the gestapo in this thread currently, everyone else is pretty okay with him identifying how he wishes to be identified (homosexual)
That's on him if he keeps living a lie with fans and followers that Jack off bust a nut to his fuck scene Francois sagat that's on him don't shoot down the messenger
No, he selected his sexuality and that's now been assigned. Any deviation (even if motivated purely by money) and you should be placed in a public stockade naked and humiliated.