Froy (teen wolf)

i've always thought his little bottom "fangs" were cute lol.

I guess that's why they cast him in Teen Wolf. Saves them the money when it comes to buying fake fangs. All they have to do is buy the top set.




He seems to like biting things or showing off his "fangs".
That actually sounds good. It's good to be Madden boyfriend while it lasts. How long was that for anyhow?

Roughly a year. They were apart working a lot of it but Madden has longish relationships, even LDRs. The one with Madden was Flynn's longest. So come to your own conclusions.
Is he making froy take out the trash or are they travelling and that's his clothes in the bag?

Yes, he makes Froy take out the trash right after he scrubs all the floors with a toothbrush.

Most likely they were returning from a trip and the bag is full of dirty clothes.
Why is Froy not wearing a mask? I think Madden could afford buying Froy some decent luggage instead of making him walk around with a trash bag full of his clothes.

It's amazing Froy has traveled so much without owning luggage! And now he needs someone else to buy it for him. Sure Jan.

