Honestly, I'm bummed he deleted his twitter. Yeah, he wasn't nearly as active with it as he used to be with instagram...but it was nice getting a peak into his more sociopolitical point of view. It's a real shame that the nasty ones always ruin it for the rest of us.
All that being said, if the boy wants a successful career in show business, he's going to have to grow thicker skin, and toughen up. Those nasty ones are always going to be out there, and it's only going to get worse once his profile raises...particularly if he stays in the closet. He shouldn't even concern himself with looking into that part of social media. Just a hunch, but something tells me his sweet, sensitive side can't help but look into it, and then be so heavily affected by it. (I'm very similar). He'd be much better off just not looking at that side of things (as best he can). Plenty of other celebs make it work. But it requires setting up serious boundaries for oneself, and training oneself to not give a fuck what other's think or say.