Froy (teen wolf)

here's the image that didn't go

I’ve never seen the show, but he has a chin you could use to slice in half a tin can and then immediately a tomato.

That’s not an insult, just an observation. I think he’s hot.
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Receipts please! Yeah I've always thought he was obviously gay too but I wanna see the evidence
I’ll see if I can find the screenshots. Someone posted their convo with Khylin on Insta and they were talking about how “Perfect looking people are usually gay” and then referred to Froy, Michael Johnston and Andrew Matarazzo.
lol there's no way he's coming out so soon. did u see his audience? 95% teenage girls
teenage girls LOVE AND ADORE cute gay boys more than straight ones... they don't care they can't have them, they'll "ship" them with another one of their faves. Teenage girls LOVE to stan gays.
the guy next to him is hunter summerall, they're friends and i would like to know why instead of a family member or even andrew matarazzo (who's also his friend and it's in the pic too) he would come along with this guy to his trip to paris for wolfcon.... anyway...... still can't picture him as gay, idk maybe he is bisexual? he also has a bunch of gay friends and i don't think they would him to stay closed.... it's all confusing to me lol
He's objectively one of the most attractive celebrities on this site. I mean if someone baited neels visser, this should be possible too, right...?!?
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those clothes... gayer than most of my friends lol and still can't see anything homo about him
I mean not to say he isn't gay cause I'd believe it but he is also a model so dressing well and or grayish isn't really a factor here if he learned how to dress in what is an extremely gay industry lol