Froy (teen wolf)

When you have one white parent and one non white parent you arent just white. You are mixed. You are bi-racial.

Quoting Froy himself: "When people refer to mixed people as white, they are feeding into the same systems of oppression that erase the stories of POC."
he's a white mexican boy, stop overcomplicating things, watch the mexican telenovela Rebelde and you'll see other young white people in mexico, that's not a new thing, there's white people all over latin america
I would think one of his best options of having a significant career would be to go to Mexico and become a famous telenovella star and blow up there and becoming a big star and then follow in the footsteps of Selma Hayek and marry an obscenely wealthy man.
I would think one of his best options of having a significant career would be to go to Mexico and become a famous telenovella star and blow up there and becoming a big star and then follow in the footsteps of Selma Hayek and marry an obscenely wealthy man.
Not just in Mexico, if he speaks spanish well he could be a success in any latin country based on his looks.
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ele é um garoto branco mexicano, pare de complicar as coisas, assista a novela mexicana Rebelde e você verá outros jovens brancos no México, isso não é novidade, há brancos por toda a América Latina
Só verdades, México é brasil dependendo do estado, o amigo que mais predomina são loiros de olhos claros.
As pessoas têm uma ideia, que na América latina, México e Brasil, só tem pessoas mulatas e índios. Hahaha
I heard from a person who used to be friends with Zane that Froyland puts a lot of pressure on him to get money, how Zane looks and getting A-List Celebrity status.

Poor Zane.
froy wants to be a trophy wife. don't think zane is the guy for that tho
I heard from a person who used to be friends with Zane that Froyland puts a lot of pressure on him to get money, how Zane looks and getting A-List Celebrity status.

Poor Zane.
I believe that, Froy is the young pretty boyfriend who wants a more dominant masculine man to provide for him. He gives those vibes, especially since he got into that relationship with RM it was pretty obvious he cared about lifestyle and being taken care of.

And to be fair I dont blame him, he's a young pretty blonde boy and he's taking advantage of his looks to get what he wants.
I believe that, Froy is the young pretty boyfriend who wants a more dominant masculine man to provide for him. He gives those vibes, especially since he got into that relationship with RM it was pretty obvious he cared about lifestyle and being taken care of.

And to be fair I dont blame him, he's a young pretty blonde boy and he's taking advantage of his looks to get what he wants.
Some people say that RM's friends celebrated their breakup and Froyland received some payback from RM.

And that he was already dating someone else (probably Zane) months before he broke up with RM.
I dont blame him, he's a young pretty blonde boy and he's taking advantage of his looks to get what he wants.
Gurl, if I looked like Froy, I would create myself an OF and make all kinds of gay porn content. Either that or I would have clung to dear life to Richard Madden to squeeze all that money. I hope he soon realizes that being a gay porn performer is his thing lol.
I believe that, Froy is the young pretty boyfriend who wants a more dominant masculine man to provide for him. He gives those vibes, especially since he got into that relationship with RM it was pretty obvious he cared about lifestyle and being taken care of.

And to be fair I dont blame him, he's a young pretty blonde boy and he's taking advantage of his looks to get what he wants.
This is giving me This Charming Man vibes.