Froy (teen wolf)

i'm sorry but how are we to believe froy wants to be an a-lister super badly when he basically goes into hiding all year? you'd think someone who is striving to be top biller to want to be seen as much as possible during his climb so that people know who tf he is. dude could very well not exist between lack of projects and lack of public appearances.
someone striving to be super popular should probably try their best to have as much of a social media presence as possible
I heard recently that they want to launch themselves as a Gay Power Couple in Hollywood, and be A-List actors, they even have plans to release a homemade cake book or some shit like that.
If that were true, they'd better be hoping to find a genie lamp to make some wishes with. Froy's ex just barely glanced off the bottom of the A-list at his peak, and he's (1) an immensely talented actor, who (2) can make the straight girls soak their panties with a smile.
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hol up. there's 3 videos? i've only seen the one of zane fucking a dude while another dude watches and then at the end zane says "can i be a porn star now?". i've not seen anything else leak.
also, for the people that might be getting confused, the video leak is of zane and doesn't have froy in it. these videos are like 10 years old

Wow! I had no idea that Zane has a sex "tape." If Colin Farrell can survive a sex tape, maybe Zane can too.
Wow! I had no idea that Zane has a sex "tape." If Colin Farrell can survive a sex tape, maybe Zane can too.

Mots men survive sex tapes with no problems. It's only in extreme rare cases that it causes any issues - Rob Lowe was caught with minors and was blacklisted for a while - He still ended up bouncing just fine.
And that was probably the most extreme cases for an actor.
Mots men survive sex tapes with no problems. It's only in extreme rare cases that it causes any issues - Rob Lowe was caught with minors and was blacklisted for a while - He still ended up bouncing just fine.
And that was probably the most extreme cases for an actor.

Oh, yeah! I forgot about Rob Lowe's. I think I masturbated to it years ago? But yeah! Rob and Collin survived their sex tape leaks. For Zane I don't know. Gays are way to catty to let that one slide. Plus, people are very much grossed out by gay sex, so this could be an issue for him.

One more, Rob has been in high-profile, well-acclaimed and successful projects, but he is still not the same stature as Brad Pitt.
i'm sorry but how are we to believe froy wants to be an a-lister super badly when he basically goes into hiding all year? you'd think someone who is striving to be top biller to want to be seen as much as possible during his climb so that people know who tf he is. dude could very well not exist between lack of projects and lack of public appearances.
someone striving to be super popular should probably try their best to have as much of a social media presence as possible
the fact that he cant get work doesnt mean he doesnt want to be A-list, it just means that he and Zane are struggling to get roles
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