Froy (teen wolf)

Even Matt cornett 🥰
Joshua Basett:
what is this implying?
are you saying cornetto boy dated froy or that he's more that dude's type?
They worked together on a Disney show, I think. There is a picture of them together, but it can't be published here because they were still minors.
They worked together on a Disney show, I think. There is a picture of them together, but it can't be published here because they were still minors.
didn't even know cornetto acted before hsmtv.
related to froy. fun fact. googling him or going to his wiki page will have "partner: zane phillips"

i think it usually says partner if it's unknown if they're married, if they're publicly married, it says spouse.
they gotta keep it gender neutral so that the same term can be used for everyone.
but also, i'm not sure i ever noticed a celebrity have their partner listed like that unless they were married. the text in the personal life section might mention the relationship. but the card on the side, i've only seen it mention spouses.
although, it says they've only been dating since 2023, which isn't true.
but at least now when you google him, you immediately know he's gay
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Where did you see his likes??? 👀👀👀
if you follow someone and then scroll through instagram, in the number of likes, it usually will list the people that you follow. so if you follow froy and you see a post of a hot dude and he liked it, it'll say "liked by froy and others" and if you click on that, it'll pop up showing you a list of everyone that liked it, with the people you follow being at the top of the list
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if you follow someone and then scroll through instagram, in the number of likes, it usually will list the people that you follow. so if you follow froy and you see a post of a hot dude and he liked it, it'll say "liked by froy and others" and if you click on that, it'll pop up showing you a list of everyone that liked it, with the people you follow being at the top of the list
I already knew all that xD I thought the person meant that he had somehow managed to see the private likes on his account or something hahaha.